4 Introduction
of regularizing effects exist. Since the phenomena may continue after a solution
ceases to be smooth, it is natural to continue the solution by generalizing the
notion of solution. The level set method is a powerful tool in constructing global
solutions allowing singularities. It also provides a correct notion of solutions, if
(0.0.1) is degenerate parabolic but not of first order so that a ‘solution’ may lose
smoothness even instantaneously and that a smooth local solution may not exist
for smooth initial data. The analytic foundation of this theory was established
independently by Y.-G. Chen, Y. Giga and S. Goto (1989), (1991a) and by L.
C. Evans and J. Spruck (1991), where the latter work concentrated on the mean
curvature flow equation while the former work handled a more general equation
of form (0.0.1). These works were preceded by a numerical computation by S.
Osher and J. A. Sethian (1988) using a level set method. (We point out that there
are two preceding works implicitly related to the level set method for first order
problems. One is by G. Barles (1985) and the other one is by L. C. Evans and
P. E. Souganidis (1984).) Since the analytic foundation was established, a huge
number of articles on the level set method has been published. One purpose of this
book is to explain the analytic foundation of the level set method in a systematic
and synthetic way so that the reader can access the field without scratching for
references. For the development of numerical aspects of the theory the reader is
referred to a recent book of J. A. Sethian (1996) and the book of S. Osher and R.
Fedkiw (2003). Before explaining the level set method we discuss phenomena of
formation of singularities for solutions of surface evolution equations.
Formation of singularities. We consider the mean curvature flow equation V =H.
If the initial surface Γ
is a sphere of radius R
, a direct calculation shows that
the sphere with radius R(t)=(R
− 2(N − 1)t)
is the exact solution. At time
= R
/(2(N − 1)) the radius of the sphere is zero so it is natural to interpret
as the empty set after t
is a smooth, compact, and convex hypersur-
face, G. Huisken (1984) showed that the solution Γ
with initial data Γ
smooth, compact and convex until it shrinks to a “round point” in a finite time;
the asymptotic shape of Γ
just before it disappears is a sphere. He proved this
result for hypersurfaces of R
with N ≥ 3 but his method does not apply to the
case N = 2. Later M. E. Gage and R. S. Hamilton (1986) showed that it still
holds when N = 2, for simple convex curves in the plane. The methods used by
G. Huisken (1984), and M. E. Gage and R. S. Hamilton (1986) do not resemble
each other. M. E. Gage and R. S. Hamilton (1986) also observed that any smooth
family of plane-immersed curves moved by its curvature remains embedded if it is
initially embedded. M. A. Grayson (1987) proved the remarkable fact that such a
family must become convex before it becomes singular. Thus, in the plane R
the initial data Γ
is a smooth, compact, (and embedded) curve, then the solution
remains smooth (and embedded), becomes convex in a finite time and remains
convex until it shrinks to a “round point”. The situation is quite different for
higher dimensions. While it is still true that smooth immersed solutions remain
embedded if their initial data is embedded, M. A. Grayson (1989) also showed