10 Introduction
where the comparison principle is expected. The key step of the theory is to
establish a comparison principle for viscosity solutions. For (0.0.7) the theory for
first order equations applies. For (0.0.8) the equation is singular at ∇u = 0 which
is a new aspect of problems in the theory of viscosity solutions. Since the mean
curvature flow equation has a comparison principle or order-preserving properties
for smooth solutions, the comparison principle for its level set equation is expected.
It turns out that the extended theory of viscosity solutions yields a unique global
continuous solution u of (0.0.6) with u(x, 0) = u
(x) (with the property u(x, t) − α
is compactly supported as a function of space variables for all t ≥ 0) provided
that (0.0.1) is degenerate parabolic and f in (0.0.1) does not grow superlinearly
in ∇n. To apply this theory for the Gaussian curvature flow equation we need to
extend the theory so that f is allowed to grow superlinearly in ∇n.Thisextension
was done by S. Goto (1994) and independently by H. Ishii and P. E. Souganidis
(1995). We note that order-preserving structure of (0.0.1) is essential to get a
global continuous solution to (0.0.6).
The method to construct Γ
by 1
is extrinsic. There is huge freedom to
choose u
for given Γ
. Although the solution u of (0.0.6) for given initial data u
is unique, we wonder whether Γ
and D
in (0.0.9) are determined by Γ
and D
respectively independent of the choice of u
. The problem is the uniqueness of the
level set of the initial value problem for (0.0.6). Since F in (0.0.6) has a scaling
property (called geometricity):
F (x, t, λp, λX + σp ⊗ p)=λF (x, t, p, X)
for all λ>0,σ ∈ R, real symmetric matrix X, p ∈ R
\{0},x ∈ R
,t ∈ [0, ∞),
the equation (0.0.6) has the invariance property: u solves (0.0.6) so does θ(u)
for every nondecreasing continuous function θ in the viscosity sense. Using the
invariance and the comparison principle, we get the uniqueness of level sets. In
other words Γ
and D
in (0.0.9) is uniquely determined by Γ
and D
It is also possible to prove that Γ
is an extended notion of a smooth solution.
Fattening. One disturbing aspect of the solution Γ
defined by (0.0.9) is that for
may have a nonempty interior even if the initial hypersurface is smooth,
except for a few isolated singularities. An example is provided by L. C. Evans and
J. Spruck (1991) for the mean curvature flow equation, where it is argued that the
solution in R
whose initial shape is a “figure eight” has nonempty interior. Such
phenomena were studied by many authors in various settings and several sufficient
conditions of nonfattening were provided. For the mean curvature flow problem
it is observed that Γ
may fatten (i.e., have no empty interior) even if the initial
hypersurface is smooth, as numerically observed by S. B. Angenent, D. L. Chopp
and T. Ilmanen (1995) for N = 3, and proved by S. B. Angenent, T. Ilmanen and
J. J. L. Vel´azquez (2002) for 4 ≤ N ≤ 8. For N = 3 such an example is given by B.
White (2002) with a rigorous proof. We do not pursue this problem in this book.
If we introduce the notion of set-theoretic solutions, the fattening phenomena can