1.5. Examples of surface evolution equations 33
1.5 Examples of surface evolution equations
We give general examples of equations of an evolving hypersurface whose normal
velocity V is determined by its normals and second fundamental forms. In general
such an evolution equation is of the form
V = f(x, t, n, ∇n)(1.5.1)
on an evolving hypersurface Γ
,wheref is a given function and n is a unit normal
vector field of Γ
. For consistency with the literature we take the negative of the
second fundamental form A of Γ
as an independent variable of f and denote it
by ∇n.HereV is the velocity in the direction of n.
1.5.1 General evolutions of isothermal interfaces
For an evolving hypersurface Γ
we consider
β(n)V = −a div
ξ(n)+c(x, t). (1.5.2)
Here ξ is the Cahn–Hoffman vector of a surface energy density γ
: S
→ (0, ∞)
and β is a given positive function on S
, a is a nonnegative constant and c is
a given function. We always assume that N ≥ 2ifa = 0 since the curvature term
equals zero when N = 1. As we observed in (1.4.15), this equation is an example of
(1.5.1). If c is independent of x and a = 1, (1.5.2) is often used to describe motion
of isothermal interface; there c is regarded as bulk free energy difference such as
temperature difference in both phases. The function 1/β is called the mobility.It
may be again anisotropic in the sense that it depends on the direction of normals.
The mobility is determined by microstructure of the hypersurface. Sometimes it
is proportional to γ
, i.e., βγ
is constant independent of n but in general 1/β is
not necessarily proportional to γ
. The equation (1.5.2) has an energy structure.
Indeed, we set
G(Γ) =
(n)dσ +
cdx (1.5.3)
for a hypersurface Γ surrounding D, then (1.5.2) is of the form
β(n)V = −δG/δΓ
where δG/δΓ
denotes the change ratio of (free energy) G per change of volume
of D in the direction of n.Heren is taken outward from D. In other words (1.5.2)
is a gradient flow of G.
Mean curvature flow equation. The equation (1.5.2) includes several interesting
important examples as a special case. If the mobility and the surface energy density
is isotropic with no driving force c and a = 1, then (1.5.2) becomes
V = H (1.5.4)