each pipe, based upon the composite pipe and liquid system. Gas release
is modelled as a separate phase which may be either distributed along
the top of the pipe in the form of a continuous gaseous phase, or
could be represented as a discrete bubble where it occurs at a well-
defined summit on the pipeline. A flexible model will include the
option of representing free gas or vapour in one or both of these forms.
5.7 Model output
Nowadays, rarely does the user require to consider the detailed schema-
tisation of a pipeline or the relationship between x and t. These
aspects will often be resolved by the computer program itself.
Using one of the approaches described in sections 5.3 to 5.6, values of
head H, pressure ¼ gðH zÞ, velocity V and flow rate can be
predicted at each of the intersection points of the characteristics. For
each simulation this process is continued until all significant effects
have been modelled. It is then a relatively straightforward matter to
present these predicted values in forms which are readily understood.
Both tabular and graphical presentations are considered important.
Plotted output usually can take two forms. First, time histories of
specific variables such as flow, pressure or air volume at defined loca-
tions within a network for instance, allow timescales of events to be
easily identified and the changes at one place to be related to
changes at other points. Amplitude of pressure transient oscillations
can also be seen in these plots. The second form of graphical presenta-
tion is ‘envelope’ curves showing the variation of extremes of head or
pressure, for example, throughout a pipeline. This type of plot allows
the engineer to identify zones of sub-atmospheric pressure or regions
where peak pressure has exceeded allowable limits.
Tabulated information on extremes of pressure and flow avoids the
need to scale information from graphical output and complements
the plotted forms of presentation.
Application of characteristic equations