pumping station, larger x increments can be used with correspond-
ingly increased t.
Computations in the pumping station are carried out using the fine
grid spacing x
and the corresponding small time step t
, while in
the system as a whole a larger increment size x and time increment
t are used. The relationship between the time increments is:
t ¼ m t
where m is a positive integer.
The ‘boundary’ between use of large and small increment sizes is
placed at a location such that any significant factors which could
have an influence on transient behaviour in the pumping station are
included in the fine grid part of the system. These factors might
include pressure vessels and air valves for example. If a booster
pumping station with significant lengths of suction main is being
modelled, a second upstream ‘boundary’ or interface is required
between the main grid spacing and the fine grid spacing.
Transients developed within the pumping station are modelled in
greater detail than are events in the overall system. Once a pressure
wave has passed through the interface into the system as a whole,
detail will be lost where wave components have a short period <t.
This will not materially influence predictions of events within the
detailed area at least for some time until wave reflections from
outwith the fine grid area return to the ‘boundary’.
6.7 Non-reflecting boundary
If interest is centred on transient behaviour initiated within the detailed
area alone and transient behaviour in the system as a whole does not
require to be modelled then it may be possible to terminate the computer
model at a section local to the area of interest, say a pumping station.
This can be done when it is considered that the transient event of
interest occurs in a time t the wave reflection time from the nearest
feature which will produce a significant response (Fig. 6.11) — that is,
time of modelling t 2L=a. In this instance a non-reflecting boundary
can be introduced close to the pumping station. Suppose we have a
boundary to which no pressure wave effects arrive from one side and
the Riemann invariant remains at steady-state values, for example
steady design flow rate. Figure 6.12 illustrates this circumstance.
Let the initial conditions at a non-reflecting boundary be represented
by velocity V
and piezometric level H
. Then the invariant value is
Pressure transients in water engineering