Chapter 23 Amplification of transient pressures 474
23.1 Transmission of pressure waves through a branch
connection, 474
23.2 Pressure wave transmission through a change of cross-
section, 476
23.3 Meeting of opposing pressure waves, 478
23.4 Pressure waves in a suction main, 479
23.4.1 Protection of the rising main, 479
23.4.2 Conditions in the gravity main, 479
23.5 Amplification within a network, 481
23.5.1 Kirkleatham Lane Pumping Station, 481
23.5.2 System modelling, 484
23.5.3 Recorded pipe bursts and pressure extremes, 485
23.6 Wellfield transients, 488
23.6.1 Collector pipeline system, 488
23.6.2 Borehole and wellhouse configuration, 490
23.6.3 Wellfield operating conditions, 490
23.6.4 Pumpset inertia, 492
23.6.5 Sequenced pump operation, 493
23.6.6 Pumping failure, 494
23.6.7 Air valve operation, 496
23.7 Potential for amplification, 497
Chapter 24 Flow instabilities 499
24.1 Types of oscillation, 499
24.2 Pumping system — Glasgow East Main and Daer
network link, 501
24.2.1 Burnside booster pumping station, 503
24.2.2 Hydraulic transient computations, 503
24.2.3 Castlemilk Low pumping station, 503
24.2.4 Transient pressures, 504
24.2.5 Spread of unstable oscillations and consequences, 506
24.2.6 Possible remedies, 506
24.3 Gravity flow system, 507
24.3.1 The break pressure chamber, 508
24.3.2 Head losses, 508
24.3.3 Flow regulation, 508
24.3.4 H1 valve movement, 511
24.3.5 Remedial measures, 512
24.4 Small hydro station, 513
24.4.1 Observed behaviour, 513