in that it can be used to provide preliminary estimates for capacity of
some types of surge protection equipment and some examples of its
use in this regard will be considered later in this book.
2.2 Compressible flow theory
A straightforward derivation of the equations of motion in compressible
flow is presented in this chapter. Basically there are two independant
variables: x, the distance along the axis of a pipeline; and t, the time
which has elapsed from some starting-point. The distance along a pipe-
line may be þve or ve depending upon how the user has decided to
schematise a network but the normal flow direction in a line would
be taken as the þve direction. The time elapsed may also be fairly
arbitrarily assigned. For instance time t ¼ 0 might be taken at or
shortly before a transient event commences.
Dependent variables are fundamentally those of flow rate Q and
pressure p. These vary with both x and t. Assuming a uniform velocity
V over any pipe cross-section A then velocity can replace flow rate
through V ¼ Q=A. The relationships governing these variables are
those of conservation of mass and conservation of force and
momentum. Other variables such as air volume, water level or possibly
pump speed are related to the primary variables V and p through
additional equations.
2.2.1 Conservation of force
Consider a section of pipeline having an arbitrary shape of cross-section
A and of length dx as illustrated in Fig. 2.2. At any instant the forces
acting upon the body of liquid within this element are:
the net pressure force ¼@p=@x dxA
the pipeline resistance force ¼S dx gA
the axial component of liquid weight ¼@z=@x dx gA
and the inertia force ¼A dxð@V=@t þ V @V=@xÞ
where S is the rate of head loss due to pipeline resistance, is liquid
density, g is acceleration due to gravity and z is elevation of the pipe
Summating these forces:
@p=@x dxA S dx gA @z=@xgA
A dxð@V=@t þ V @V=@xÞ¼0
Derivation of basic equations