334 5 TEM Applications of EELS
images with the fluorine K-edge, the segregation of (difluoro)serotonin was demon-
strated (Costa et al., 1978). Fortunately, compounds in which fluorine is directly
attached to an aromatic ring are relatively stable under electron irradiation, some-
times withstanding doses as high as 10
if the specimen is cooled to −160
(Ciliax et al., 1993).
The distribution of sulfur, phosphorus, and calcium is of interest in biological
systems but the dose required for mapping these elements by x-ray K-emission spec-
troscopy is often destructive. EELS offers the option of using L-shell ionization, for
which the cross section is relatively large, allowing higher detection sensitivity (see
later, Fig. 5.32). Because of the low L-edge energies of S and P (135, 165 eV) the
spectral background is high, even for very thin specimens. This background can be
suppressed by using first- or second-difference techniques (Section 4.4.5), the sensi-
tivity then depending on the noise level and to some extent on the energy resolution.
Detection of Ca, Ti, and transition elements is helped by the fact that these ele-
ments display sharp white-line peaks at the ionization threshold (Fig. 3.45). These
peaks become amplified in difference spectra, so that less than 100 ppm of alkaline
earths, transition metals, and lanthanides could be detected in a glass test specimen
(Leapman and Newbury, 1993).
Based on calculations and experimental results, Wang et al. (1992) prescribed
optimum conditions for the detection of phosphorus in biological tissue with a
parallel-recording spectrometer: t/λ ≈ 0.3 and a 15-eV shift between spectra if
first-difference recording is used. At that time, EELS was estimated to be 15 times
more sensitive than EDX spectroscopy: with 0.5-nm beam current and 100-s record-
ing time, the minimum detectable concentration was calculated as 8.4 mmol/kg
(≈100 ppm), equivalent to 34 phosphorus atoms in a 15-nm probe.
Electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) in a conventional TEM has been used
extensively to provide qualitative or semiquantitative elemental maps of biologi-
cal specimens. Since phosphorus is a constituent of DNA, P–L
images have been
employed to investigate DNA configurations within 80 s ribosomes (Shuman et al.,
1982) and chromatin nucleosomes (Ottensmeyer, 1984). The latter contain about
300 atoms of phosphorus and the signal/noise ratio of the corresponding phosphorus
signal was about 30. Köpf-Maier (1990) employed 80-keV energy-selected imag-
ing to analyze the distribution of titanium and phosphorus in human tumors as a
function of time after therapeutic doses of titanocene dichloride. The maximum Ti
concentration in cell nuclei and nucleoli occurred after 48 h and was accompanied
by an enrichment of phosphorus, confirming that the primary interaction occurs with
nucleic acids, particularly DNA.
ESI has also been used to image the distribution of heavier elements such as tho-
rium, cerium, and barium (formed as cytochemical reaction products) in order to
detect enzyme activities within a cell (Sorber et al., 1990). In some cases, K-edges
were used, e.g., to detect aluminum in newt larvae (Böhmer and Rahmann, 1990).
Here the advantages of EELS over EDX spectroscopy are less obvious. However,
edges in the 1000–3000 eV region can have good signal/background ratios, rel-
atively unaffected by plural scattering, so specimens can be as thick as 0.5 μm
(Egerton et al., 1991).