5.4 Elemental Analysis from Core-Loss Spectroscopy 327
5.4.1 Measurement of Hydrogen and Helium
Hydrogen in its elemental form is observable from the presence of an ionization
edge. Although the ionization energy is 13.6 eV, this value corresponds to transitions
to continuum states of an isolated atom. At slightly lower energy loss, a Lyman
series of transitions to discrete levels gives peaks that may not be resolved in a
TEM spectrometer systems, the result being a structureless edge with a maximum at
about 12 eV, followed by a gradual decay on the high-loss side (Ahn and Krivanek,
1983). Energy-loss spectroscopy can be used to measure the composition of gases
(including H
) inside a TEM environmental cell, to an accuracy of 15% (Crozier and
Chenna, 2011). EELS has also detected molecular hydrogen present as bubbles in
ion-implanted SiC (Hojou et al., 1992) and in frozen hydrated biological specimens
after irradiation within the TEM (Leapman and Sun, 1995). Bubbles do not form if
the specimen is s ufficiently thin, suggesting t hat the hydrogen can diffuse out even
at –170
C (Yakovlev et al., 2009).
Hydrogen chemically combined with other elements transfers its electrons to the
whole solid, destroying the energy levels that would give rise to a characteristic
ionization edge. Nevertheless, metallic hydrides have been detected from their low-
loss spectra; electrons donated by H atoms usually increase the valence-electron
density, shifting the plasmon peak upward by 1 or 2 eV from that of the metal;
see Section 5.2.2. In minerals, an oxygen K-edge prepeak near 530 eV, previously
thought to be indicative of hydrogen, has more recently been interpreted as due to
liberation of O
during electron irradiation (Garvie, 2010).
Hydrogen present in an organic compound influences its low-loss spectrum.
Hydrocarbon polymers have their main “plasmon” peak at a lower energy than
that of amorphous carbon (≈24 eV) because hydrogen reduces the mass density.
If hydrogen is lost, for example, during electron irradiation, the plasmon energy
increases toward that of amorphous carbon (Ditchfield et al., 1973).
Hydrogen in an organic material also increases the inelastic/elastic scattering
ratio n, measurable in a conventional TEM from the total intensity I and zero-loss
intensity I
in a spectrum recorded without an angle-limiting aperture, together with
the zero-loss intensity I
recorded with a small (~2 mrad) angle-limiting aperture.
Making allowance for plural scattering,
n =
The specimen must be thick enough to avoid I
and I
being almost equal, otherwise
fluctuations in incident beam current result in poor accuracy. This type of measure-
ment was used to monitor the loss of hydrogen from 9,10-diphenyl anthracene as a
function of electron dose (Egerton, 1976a).
Helium is produced in the form of nanometer-sized bubbles when stainless steel
(used as fuel cladding in nuclear reactors) is irradiated with neutrons. By position-
ing a STEM probe at a bubble and on the nearby metal matrix, McGibbon and