Index 489
Multiple scattering, 6, 144, 169–178, 181, 206,
213–215, 220, 228, 285–288, 295, 352,
355, 367
Multiplet splitting, 216
Multipole lenses, 55, 87
Multivariate statistical analysis (MSA),
265–269, 344
Nanotubes, 44, 150, 155, 164, 168, 312, 332,
342, 344, 369–370, 378, 380
Natural width
of core levels, 207
of plasmon peaks, 407
Neural pattern recognition, 372
Noise performance
of parallel-recording detector, 14, 22, 85
of serial-recording detector, 30, 88, 332
Nonisochromaticity, 59–62
Notation for atomic shells, 426
Object function,
223, 226, 337
Occupancy of core levels, 204–205
Omega filter, 12, 14, 35–37, 41, 100–102
Optical alchemy approximation, 212, 284
Optical density of states, 155, 369
Oscillator strength
core-loss, 133, 187
dipole (optical), 129, 188, 197, 274, 402,
414, 416
Parallel recording of spectrum, 13, 30, 65, 86,
88, 103, 107, 250, 269, 325, 332, 334,
342, 368
Partial wave method, 115
Phonon excitation, 3, 111, 119, 317
Phosphor screens, 58, 95
Phosphorus measurement, 387
Photoabsorption cross section, 188–190
Photodiode arrays, 85
Photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS, XPS), 15,
18, 204, 208, 216, 361
Photomultiplier tube (PMT), 13, 77, 79–83
bulk (volume), 5, 140, 156, 158, 161, 163,
165–166, 225, 311, 378, 394–395
damping, 142, 146–147
dispersion, 141–142, 147
double, 177–178, 329
energies, 255, 309, 312, 419–422
surface, 5, 11, 140, 154, 156, 158–169,
171, 221, 225, 227, 301–302
, 310, 319,
368–369, 378, 380
wake, 139–141
Plasmonic modes, 311
Plasmon-loss microanalysis, 12, 164, 168, 174,
227, 239–240, 254, 302, 312, 339, 409
Plasmon-pole model, 147
Plural scattering, 6–7, 24, 75, 109, 164,
171–172, 174–175, 177–178, 181–183,
195, 197, 203–204, 214, 231, 234, 241,
243, 245, 249–251, 254, 257–
259, 265,
268, 271–272, 276–278, 295, 302–305,
307, 309, 316, 319, 322, 325, 327, 334,
342, 353–354, 384, 387, 390, 407–408,
413, 416–417
in pre-edge background, 181–183, 325
Point-spread function
chromatic aberration, 65–66, 316
of diode-array detector, 89, 98
for inelastic scattering, 224–225, 315–316,
Poisson’s law, 170–172, 177
Polymers, 107, 312, 320, 327, 330–
331, 352,
380, 386–390
Postspecimen lenses, 63–72, 101
Prespectrometer optics, 63–72
Principal component analysis (PCA), 264–268
Principal sections, 31, 46
Prism–mirror spectrometer, 34–35
Proton-induced x-ray emission (PIXE), 15, 17
Quadrupoles, 13–14, 38–39, 42–43, 50–52,
56–58, 72, 86–87, 168, 288
Radial distribution function (RDF), 218–219,
277–278, 280–282, 284–285, 317,
Radiation damage
in diode array, 72, 88, 90, 93, 107,
displacement (sputtering), 24, 111, 329
dose-rate dependence, 107, 391
mass loss, 301
temperature dependence, 365
Radiation energy losses, 154–155, 369
Random phase approximation, 132, 141–142
Ratio imaging, 108–109
Ray tracing, 53
Readout noise of diode array, 93–94
Reference spectra, 265, 269, 276, 306, 375
Reflection-mode spectra, 28, 314, 382