428 Appendix E: Electron Wavelengths, Relativistic Factors, and Physical Constants
Table E.1 Electron parameters as a function of kinetic energy
(keV) λ (pm)
= 2π/λ
) v
T = m
2γ T
10 12.2 514.7 0.0380 1.0196 9.714 19.81
20 8.59 731.4 0.0739 1.0391 18.88 39.34
30 6.98 900.2 0.1078 1.0587 27.55 58.34
40 6.02 1044 0.1399 1.0782 35.75 77.10
50 5.36 1173 0.1703 1.0978 43.52 95.56
60 4.87 1291 0.1991 1.1174 50.88 113.7
80 4.18 1504 0.2523 1.1565 64.50 149.2
100 3.70 1697 0.3005 1.1957 76.79 183.6
120 3.35 1876 0.3442 1.2348 87.94 217.2
150 2.96 2125 0.4023 1.2935 102.8 266.0
200 2.51 2505 0.4835 1.3914 123.6 343.8
300 1.97 3191 0.6030 1.5870 154.1 489.1
400 1.64 3822 0.6854 1.7827 175.1 624.4
500 1.42 4421 0.7445 1.9784 190.2 752.8
1000 0.87 7205 0.8856 2.9567 226.3 1338
Table E.2 Selected physical constants
Quantity Symbol Value Units
Electron charge e 1.602 × 10
Electron rest mass m
9.110 × 10
Electron rest energy m
511.00 eV
Atomic mass unit (1/N
) u 1.661 × 10
Bohr radius (4πε
) a
5.292 × 10
Rydberg energy (h
) R 13.61 eV
Photon energy × wavelength hc/e 1.240 eV μm
Avogadro number N
6.022 × 10
Boltzmann constant k 1.381 × 10
Speed of light in vacuum c 2.998 × 10
Permittivity of space ε
8.854 × 10
Permeability of space μ
1.257 × 10
Planck constant h 6.626 × 10
1.055 × 10
1 mmol/kg 12 ppm (atomic) for dry biological tissue (assuming mean Z 6)
1 mmol/kg 1mM 18 ppm (atomic) for wet biological tissue (mainly H
Appendix F
Options for Energy-Loss Data Acquisition
Table F.1 summarizes some of the procedural choices involved in the recording of
energy-loss data. As discussed on p. 291, there are several ways of using the infor-
mation contained in inelastic scattering. An energy-loss spectrum provides much
quantitative information, such as the local thickness (p. 293), chemical composition
(p. 269, 324), and the crystallographic and electronic structure (Section 5.6)ofa
defined region of the specimen. Energy-filtered imaging is more useful for show-
ing variations in thickness, composition or bonding, or simply for optimizing the
contrast arising from structural features ( Section 5.3). A spectrum image (p. 103)
combines the spatial and energy-loss information and allows sophisticated proce-
dures such as multivariate statistical analysis (p. 265) to be applied to previously
acquired data. Energy-filtered diffraction can be useful for the quantitative interpre-
tation of diffraction patterns (p. 317), for examining the directionality of chemical
bonding (Fig. 3.60) or for finding out which scattering processes contribute to the
energy-loss spectrum of a particular specimen (Section 3.3).
The three basic types of TEM-EELS systems were described earlier (Fig. 2.30).
A spectrometer mounted beneath a TEM column is the most common choice for
acquiring energy-loss spectra; the Gatan GIF system also provides energy-filtered
images and diffraction patterns. An in-column filter has the advantage that an
energy-filtered image can appear on the large fluorescent screen of the TEM, in
addition to a CCD monitor. Spectroscopy and spectrum imaging are possible, but
the latter is less dose efficient than the equivalent STEM technique (p. 106) and
extracting a spectrum with good energy resolution may require specimen-drift cor-
rection and interpolation (p. 104). The relative advantages of the TEM and STEM
for acquiring energy-filtered images and spectrum image data are discussed in
Section 2.6.5.
High accelerating voltage maximizes the beam current available in a small probe
and makes it easier to obtain good spatial resolution, although aberration correc-
tors relax this requirement. Since high incident energy E
is equivalent (in terms
of the amount of scattering) to a thinner specimen, the signal/background ratio at
ionization edges is improved, reducing the need for deconvolution and making quan-
titative analysis more feasible. Low E
increases the intensity of inelastic scattering
relative to the zero-loss peak, reducing the deleterious effect of its tail on low-loss
R.F. Egerton, Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy in the Electron Microscope,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-9583-4_11,
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
430 Appendix F: Options for Energy-Loss Data Acquisition
Table F.1 Options involved in the acquisition of energy-loss data
Parameter Options Main advantages
Type of data Energy-loss spectrum
Energy-filtered image
Spectrum image
Energy-filtered DP
Quantitative data from a defined area
Spatial distribution, at least qualitative
Large information content
Reveals physical processes
Type of
Spectrometer below TEM
In-column filter
Dedicated STEM
Convenient for spectroscopy
Convenient for EFTEM
Ideal for spectrum imaging
Incident energy High (e.g., 200 keV)
Low (e.g., 60 keV)
Ionization edges more visible
Reduced damage and
Cerenkov effects
TEM mode Image on TEM screen
DP on TEM screen
Easy spatial location of spectrum
More precise spatial determination
Collection angle β <10mrad
β > 100 mrad
Dipole conditions, high edge jump ratio
Good for E > 1 keV and log ratio method
Energy dispersion dE/dx > 1 eV/channel
dE/dx < 0.1 eV/channel
Good for high energy losses
Improves low-loss energy resolution
Recording time Short
Less drift, less radiation damage
Lower shot noise, better statistics
Number of
Low readout noise
Large dynamic range, drift correction
spectroscopy (e.g., bandgap measurement, p. 368). Lower voltage also reduces any
Cerenkov contribution below 5 eV (p. 154, 369) and reduces possible knock-on
damage (atomic displacement or sputtering from surfaces), even if E
exceeds the
threshold energy.
In the case of a below-column spectrometer, TEM image mode (p. 63) makes it
easy to see what region of a specimen is giving rise to the energy-loss spectrum, sim-
ply by lowering the viewing s creen. However, aberrations of the imaging lenses may
preclude precise spatial localization (p. 64), whereas TEM diffraction mode allows
regions of diameter down to 1 nm (or even below) to be defined by means of a very
small probe. Alternatively, diffraction mode with a large-diameter beam provides
high spectral intensity (useful for core-loss spectroscopy) because the spectrum
contains contributions from the entire beam area, not limited by the spectrome-
ter entrance aperture (Fig. 2.16). In diffraction mode, the center of the diffraction
pattern must be aligned to the center of the spectrometer entrance aperture, usually
by manual adjustment for maximum intensity (p. 64).
The spectrum collection semi-angle β is determined by a TEM objective aperture
or, in diffraction mode or a dedicated STEM, by a spectrometer entrance aperture.
Small β increases the signal/background ratio at an ionization edge and allows the
use of dipole formulas (necessary when measuring thickness using the Kramers–
Kronig sum rule, for example; p. 302). Large β simplifies thickness measurement
Appendix F: Options for Energy-Loss Data Acquisition 431
by the log ratio method (p. 301) and is useful for ionization edges above 1 keV, to
obtain adequate intensity.
Long recording time of the spectrum minimizes statistical (shot) noise, of prime
importance for recording ionization edges. One limit comes from saturation of the
electron detector, which typically limits the time to fractions of a second in the low-
loss region, especially if the zero-loss peak is included. This limit can be extended
by combining multiple readouts (p. 93), possibly at the expense of readout noise
(p. 91, 95). Multiple readouts also allow correction for energy drift arising from
change in accelerating voltage or spectrometer current, the data-acquisition com-
puter being programed to recognize and align some prominent spectral feature.
Another time limit comes from specimen drift, which sometimes can also be com-
pensated electronically. A more fundamental limit arises from radiation damage,
whose severity depends very much on the type of specimen (p. 389). Damage in con-
ducting samples (e.g., metals) arises from knock-on processes and can be reduced
by lowering the incident energy, ideally below some damage threshold (p. 122, 396).
Damage in organic and inorganic compounds is usually due to radiolysis, and can
be reduced by a modest factor (e.g., 3) by cooling the specimen.
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