410 Appendix B: Computer Programs
(Section 3.3.2), with a volume energy-loss function elf in accord with Eq. (3.64) and
a surface-scattering energy-loss function srelf as in Eq. (4.31). Retardation effects
and coupling between the two surface modes are not included. The surface term can
be made negligible by entering a large specimen thickness (tnm > 1000).
Surface intensity srfint and volume intensity volint are calculated from
Eqs. (4.31) and (4.26) , respectively. The total spectral intensity ssd is written to
the file D
RUDE.SSD, which can be used as input for KRAKRO. These intensities are
all divided by I
,togiverelative probabilities (per eV). The real and imaginary parts
of the dielectric function are written to D
RUDE.EPS and can be used for comparison
with the results of Kramers–Kronig analysis (K
Written output includes the surface-loss probability P
obtained by integrating
srfint (a value that relates to two surfaces but includes the negative begrenzungs
term), for comparison with the analytical integration represented by Eq. (3.77).The
volume-loss probability P
is obtained by integrating volint and is used to calcu-
late the volume plasmon mean free path (lam = tnm/P
). The latter is listed and
compared with the MFP obtained from Eq. (3.44), which represents analytical inte-
gration assuming a zero-width plasmon peak. The total probability (P
= P
calculated and used to evaluate the thickness (lam.P
) that would be given by the for-
mula t/λ = ln(I
), ignoring the surface-loss probability. Note that P
will exceed
1 for thicker specimens (t/λ > 1), since it represents the probability of plasmon
scattering relative to that of no inelastic scattering.
The command-line usage is Drude(ep,ew,eb,epc,beta,e0,tnm,nn), where ep is the
plasmon energy, ew the plasmon width, eb the binding energy of the electrons (0 for
a metal), and nn is the number of channels in the output spectrum. An example of
the output is shown in Fig. B.1a,b.
B.8 Kramers–Kronig Analysis
The program KRAKRO calculates the real part ε
(E) and imaginary part ε
dielectric function, as well as the s pecimen thickness t and mean free path λ(β)for
inelastic scattering. It employs the Fourier procedure for Kramers–Kronig analysis
described by Johnson (1975), but using fast-Fourier transforms. As input, it requires
a single-scattering distribution with no zero-loss peak but with its first channel corre-
sponding to E =0 (as generated by D
RUDE.SSD). The program also requires values
of the zero-loss integral a0, incident-electron energy e0, collection semi-angle beta,
and optical refractive index ri. In the case of a metallic specimen, any large value
(>20) can be entered for ri.
The single-scattering intensity S(E) is read and transferred to the arrays ssd and
d, each of adequate length nn = 2
, where k is an integer. Assuming a Lorentzian
angular distribution, an aperture correction is applied to S(E) to make the result pro-
portional to Im(−1/ε); the proportionality constant rk = K is evaluated by utilizing
the Kramers–Kronig sum rule, Eq. (4.27). Since K = I
t/(π a
) according to
Eq. (4.26), this leads to an initial estimate of specimen thickness and mean free path,