5.7 Application to Specific Materials 391
Reducing the beam current is helpful, even if it results in a longer exposure time
to acquire the data. Because radiolysis occurs more rapidly at higher temperature,
beam heating may account for the higher radiation sensitivity of polymer films at
higher dose rate (current density) observed by Payne and Beamson (1993).
Radiolysis occurs because the electron excitation is not necessarily a reversible
process: when an atom or molecule returns to its ground state, the chemical bonds
with neighboring atoms may reconfigure, resulting in a permanent structural change.
In crystalline specimens, structural disorder is seen as a disappearance of lattice
fringes and a gradual fading of the spot diffraction pattern (Glaeser, 1975; Zeitler,
1982). The disruption of chemical bonding can be seen more directly as a disappear-
ance of the fine structure in an optical-absorption and energy-loss spectra (Reimer,
1975; Isaacson, 1977). Radiolysis may also result in the removal of atoms from the
irradiated area, known as mass loss. This process is of concern in elemental analysis
by EELS or EDX spectroscopy because some elements are removed more rapidly
than others, resulting in a change in chemical composition. Damage Measurements on Organic Specimens
Although radiation damage is detrimental to electron-beam measurements, EELS
has proven useful for examining the sensitivities of different types of specimen, the
damage mechanisms involved, and ways of reducing the damage. Core-loss spec-
troscopy has been used to monitor the loss of particular elements from organic
specimens, while low-loss or core-loss fine structure has been used as a measure
of structural order.
The dose required for a single measurement is reduced if the spectrum is col-
lected from as large an area of specimen as possible. In TEM image mode, this
implies a low magnification and a large spectrometer entrance aperture. If a spec-
trum is recorded at a time t after the start of irradiation, the accumulated dose is
D = It/A, where I is the beam current and A the cross-sectional area of the beam
at the specimen. The remaining amount ( N atoms/area) of a particular element is
calculated from its ionization edge, making use of Eq. (4.65). If log(N) is then plot-
ted against D, the initial slope of the data gives the characteristic or critical dose
(the dose that would cause N to fall to 1/e of its initial value, if the kinetics
remained strictly exponential). The value of D
is an inverse measure of the radiation
sensitivity of the specimen.
Measurements on organic materials have shown that mass loss depends on the
accumulated dose and not on the dose rate (i.e., D
is independent of current den-
sity). Table 5.4 lists D
for selected organic compounds exposed to 100-keV incident
electrons. Values for other incident energies can be estimated by assuming D
to be
proportional to the effective incident energy: T = m
/2 (Isaacson, 1977). Not
surprisingly, D
is low for compounds containing unstable groups such as nitrates.
Aromatic compounds are generally more stable than aliphatic ones, and it has been
proposed that damage to aromatics requires K-shell ionization (Howie et al., 1985).
Replacement of hydrogen by halogen atoms (as in chlorinated phthalocyanine) fur-
ther reduces the radiation sensitivity, due to the increased steric hindrance (cage