B.4 Simulation of a Plural-Scattering Distribution 407
at a scattering angle β, Eqs. (3.6), (3.7) and a more exact version of Eq. (3.16) for
the cross sections integrated up to a scattering angle β, and Eqs. (3.8) and (3.17)
for the total cross sections (large β). Fractions F of the elastic and inelastic scat-
tering accepted by the angle-limiting collection aperture are also evaluated and are
likely to be more accurate than the absolute cross sections. The elastic-scattering
values are not intended to apply to crystalline specimens. Input is of the form
LenzPlus(E0,Ebar,Z,beta,toli), where toli denotes the inelastic scattering parame-
ter t/λ
that is used only in the second half of the program; a value of 0 terminates
the program halfway.
To provide inelastic cross sections, the Lenz model requires a mean energy loss
Ebar, a different average from that involved in the formula for mean free path
Eq. (5.2). Following Koppe, Lenz (1954)usedEbar = J/2, where J (≈ 13.5 Z)is
the atomic mean ionization energy. This option is invoked by entering Ebar = 0in
the program. From Hartree–Slater calculations, Inokuti et al. (1981) give the mean
energy per inelastic collision for elements up to strontium; values are in the range
20–120 eV and have an oscillatory Z-dependence that reflects the electron-shell
structure, which is appropriate for atoms but less so for solids.
If provided with a value of t/λ
(where λ
is the total-inelastic mean free path,
integrated over all scattering angles), L
ENZPLUS calculates the relative intensi-
ties of the unscattered, elastically scattered, inelastically scattered, and (elastic +
inelastic) components accepted by the collection aperture, including scattering up
to fourth order and allowing for the increasing width of the plural-scattering angu-
lar distributions, as described by Eqs. (3.97), (3.108), and (3.110). The expression
) is calculated for comparison with t/λ
(β) to assess the effect of this angular
B.4 Simulation of a Plural-Scattering Distribution
SPECGEN generates a series of Gaussian-shaped “plasmon” peaks, each of the form
], whose integrals satisfy Poisson statistics and whose full
widths at half maximum are given by
= (E)
Here E is the instrumental FWHM and E
represents the natural width of
the plasmon peak. This plural-scattering distribution (starting at an energy −ez
and with the option of adding a constant background back) is written to the file
PECGEN.PSD; the single-scattering distribution (with first channel corresponding
to E = 0) is written to S
PECGEN.SSD to allow a direct comparison with the results
of deconvolution.
Input is of the form: SpecGen(ep,wp,wz,tol,a0,ez,epc,nd,back,fback,cpe). The
program approximates noise in an experimental spectrum in terms of two compo-
nents. Electron-beam shot noise (snoise) is taken as the square root of the number
of counts (for each order of scattering) but multiplied by a factor fpoiss, taken as
, where cpe is the number of counts per beam electron, assuming Poisson