1.2 The Electron Energy-Loss Spectrum 5
which makes plausible the fact that plasmons can be excited in insulators, E
generally higher than the excitation energy of the valence electrons (i.e., the band
gap). The essential requirement for plasmon excitation is that the participating elec-
trons can communicate with each other and share their energy, a condition that is
fulfilled for a band of delocalized states but not for the atomic-like core levels. The
lifetime of a plasmon i s very short; it decays by depositing its energy (via interband
transitions) i n the form of heat or by creating secondary electrons.
In addition to exciting volume or “bulk” plasmons within the specimen, a fast
electron can create surface plasmons at each exterior surface. However, these surface
excitations dominate only in very thin (<20 nm) samples or small particles.
Plasmon excitation and single-electron excitation represent alternative modes of
inelastic scattering. In materials in which the valence electrons behave somewhat
like free particles (e.g., the alkali metals), the collective form of response is predom-
inant. In other cases (e.g., rare gas solids), plasmon effects are weak or nonexistent.
Most materials fall between these two extremes.
1.2 The Electron Energy-Loss Spectrum
The secondary processes of electron and photon emission from a specimen can be
studied in detail by appropriate spectroscopies, as discussed in Section 1.4. In elec-
tron energy-loss spectroscopy, we deal directly with the primary process of electron
excitation, which results in the fast electron losing a characteristic amount of energy.
The transmitted electron beam is directed into a high-resolution electron spectrom-
eter that separates the electrons according to their kinetic energy and produces an
electron energy-loss spectrum showing the number of electrons (scattered intensity)
as a function of their decrease in kinetic energy.
A typical loss spectrum, recorded from a thin specimen over a range of about
1000 eV, is shown in Fig. 1.3. The first zero-loss or “elastic” peak represents
electrons that are transmitted without suffering measurable energy loss, including
electrons scattered elastically and those that excite phonon modes, for which the
energy loss is less than the experimental energy resolution. In addition, the zero-
loss peak includes electrons that can be regarded as unscattered, since they lose no
energy and remain undeflected after passing through the specimen. The correspond-
ing electron waves undergo a phase change but this is detectable only by holography
or high-resolution imaging.
Inelastic scattering from outer-shell electrons is visible as a peak (or a series of
peaks, in thicker specimens) in the 4–40 eV region of the spectrum. At higher energy
loss, the electron intensity decreases rapidly, making it convenient to use a logarith-
mic scale for the recorded intensity, as in Fig. 1.3. Superimposed on this smoothly
decreasing intensity are features that represent inner-shell excitation; they take the
form of edges rather than peaks, the inner-shell intensity rising rapidly and then
falling more slowly with increasing energy loss. The sharp rise occurs at the ioniza-
tion threshold, whose energy-loss coordinate is approximately the binding energy
of the corresponding atomic shell. Since inner-shell binding energies depend on the