5.7 Application to Specific Materials 387
microscope (STXM) with 55-nm spatial resolution. Similar ELNES imaging could
be performed in an energy-selecting TEM with greater spatial resolution but with
higher radiation dose. Du Chesne (1999) provides various examples of zero-loss,
low-loss, and core-loss imaging of polymers.
Biological TEM analysis is always strongly dependent on specimen prepara-
tion. The ability to prepare ultrathin sections minimizes the unwanted background
in core-loss spectra (Section 3.5) and mass thickness contributions to core-loss
images (Section 2.6.5). For phosphorus L-edge measurements, the optimum speci-
men thickness has been said to be 0.3 times the total inelastic mean free path (Wang
et al., 1992), and for 100-keV primary electrons, this corresponds to about 100 nm
of dry tissue or 60 nm of hydrated tissue. Rapid freezing techniques reduce the
migration or loss of diffusible species, as needed for quantitative analysis.
Leapman and Ornberg (1988) point out that carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are the
major constituents of biological specimens and their ratio (together with P and S)
can be useful for identifying proteins and nucleotides (DNA, ATP, etc.). In fluoro-
histidine, they measured N:O:F ratios within 10% of the nominal values, provided
the radiation dose was kept below 2 C/cm
. Fluorine is of potential importance as a
label, for example, for identifying neurotransmitters in organelles (Section 5.4.4).
Na, K, Mg, Cl, P, and S are typically present as dry mass fraction between 0.03
and 0.6% (25–500 mmol/kg dry weight, equivalent to 5–100 mmol/kg wet wt.,
assuming 80% water content). Although these elements can be analyzed by EDX
spectroscopy (Shuman et al., 1976; Fiori et al., 1988), mass loss and specimen drift
limit the spatial resolution. In the case of EELS, higher sensitivity for S, P, Cl, and
Fe is obtainable by choosing L-edges, with their higher scattering cross sections.
The L-edges of sodium and magnesium lie too low in energy while that of potas-
sium overlap strongly with the carbon K-edge, so these three elements are more
easily detected by EDX methods (Leapman and Ornberg, 1988).
Calcium is present in high concentrations (≈10%) in mineralizing bone but oth-
erwise at the millimolar level. At this concentration, a 50-nm-diameter region in
a 50-nm-thick specimen contains only about 50 Ca atoms, so measuring small
changes in concentration requires very high sensitivity (Shuman and Somlyo, 1987;
Leapman et al., 1993b). MLS processing and component analysis (Section 4.5.4)
are likely to be useful tools.
EFTEM elemental mapping of phosphorus, sulfur, and calcium was used by
Ottensmeyer and colleagues to show the structure of chromatin nucleosomes
and mineralizing cartilage (Bazett-Jones and Ottensmeyer, 1981; Arsenault and
Ottensmeyer, 1983; Ottensmeyer, 1984). Very thin specimens ensured low plural
scattering and mass thickness contributions to the image, but most of these ele-
mental maps were obtained simply by subtracting a scaled pre-edge image from
the post-edge image. With digital processing, pre-edge modeling can be carried out
at each image point, allowing more accurate background subtraction; see Sections
2.6.5 and 5.3.6. Leapman et al. (2004) have used tomographic energy-filtered imag-
ing to measure the three-dimensional distribution of phosphorus within cells, down
to about 0.5% concentration. A fairly high electron dose (100 C/cm
) was required
to record the tilt series, but a resolution below 20 nm was achieved.