350 5 TEM Applications of EELS
contained all of the Fe
atoms on tetrahedral sites and all of the Fe
atoms on
octahedral sites.
Channeling experiments require specimens containing single-crystal regions as
large as the incident beam diameter, usually several nanometers, because the con-
vergence of smaller probes reduces the orientation effect. The specimen thickness
should be at least equal to the extinction distance ξ
in order to provide a pronounced
variation in current density within each unit cell. Otherwise the orientation depen-
dence will be weak and the measurement prone to statistical error. The extinction
distance not only is proportional to the incident electron velocity, but also depends
on crystal orientation and atomic number (Hirsch et al., 1977; Reimer and Kohl,
2008). For 100-keV electrons and a strong channeling direction, ξ
≈ 50 nm for
carbon, decreasing to 20 nm for gold.
5.6.2 Core-Loss Diffraction Patterns
In the previous section, we discussed the variation of core-loss intensity as the speci-
men is tilted, keeping the collection aperture fixed. We now consider the variation in
intensity with scattering angle for a fixed sample orientation. An amorphous speci-
men has an axially symmetric scattering distribution; at low energy loss the intensity
is peaked about the unscattered direction, while for energy losses far above an ion-
ization threshold it takes the form of a diffuse ring, representing a section through
the Bethe ridge (Fig. 3.31). In the case of a crystalline specimen, elastic scattering
results in a diffraction pattern containing Bragg spots (or rings, for a polycrystal)
and Kikuchi lines or bands. Energy-filtered diffraction patterns can be recorded in a
scanning transmission electron microscope by rocking the incident beam in angle or
by using post-specimen deflection coils to scan the pattern across a small-aperture
detector, but a more efficient procedure is to use a stationary incident beam and an
imaging filter (Section 2.6).
At low energy loss, the diffraction pattern resembles the zero-loss pattern, but
with the diffraction spots broadened by the angular width of inelastic scattering.
This regime corresponds to a median angle of inelastic scattering θ less than the
angular separation between Bragg beams, approximately the lowest-order Bragg
reflection angle θ
. Taking the delocalization length as L ≈ 0.6λ/
5.5.3) and using the Bragg equation λ =2dθ
, this condition is equivalent to L>d
or (since the interplanar spacing d is comparable to the lattice constant) localization
of the inelastic scattering exceeding the unit-cell dimensions. Under these condi-
tions, inelastic scattering does not greatly change the angular distribution of elastic
scattering and diffraction contrast is preserved in energy-selected images of defects
such as stacking faults and dislocations (Craven et al., 1978).
At higher energy loss, the inelastic scattering becomes highly localized and the
average inelastic scattering angle exceeds the angular separation of the diffracted
beams. Bragg spots therefore disappear from the energy-filtered diffraction pattern,
which starts to resemble the Kossel pattern from an isotropic source of electrons