342 5 TEM Applications of EELS
edge or an edge sharply peaked at the threshold. However, edges below 100-eV
loss present problems because σ
(β, ) is large (due to valence-electron excita-
tion) and the background is further increased by plural scattering. As discussed in
Section 4.4.3, SNR and therefore MDN and f
depend on the position and width
of the background fitting and integration windows.
Ignoring the exponential term and possible variation of DQE with E
and (5.26) predict that (MAF)
and (MDN)
are proportional to σ
, where
= e/D is a damage cross section. If ionization damage (due to inelastic scatter-
ing) prevails, these cross sections are all proportional to v
(Section 5.7.5), so both
MAF and MDN should be independent of the incident electron energy. A computer
program is available for modeling energy-loss spectra, including instrumental and
shot noise, and is useful for predicting whether a particular ionization edge will be
visible for a given specimen composition and thickness and particular TEM operat-
ing conditions (Menon and Krivanek, 2002). Since electron dose to the specimen is
often the factor limiting resolution, dose-efficient recording is important; method-
ology and acquisition scripts have been developed to optimize the process (Sader
et al., 2010; Mitchell and Schaffer, 2005).
Figure 5.32 shows the detection limits for calcium (L-loss signal) within a
30-nm-thick carbon matrix, calculated for 100-keV incident electrons and parallel-
recording EELS. Single calcium atoms should be detectable with a sub-nanometer
probe, but would involve a high radiation dose; even in the absence of radiolytic
processes, D ≈ 10
can remove six layers of carbon atoms by sputtering
(Leapman and Andrews, 1992). For larger probe sizes (or larger scanned areas in
STEM), the detection of Ca/C ratios down to a few parts per million is predicted, in
agreement with measured error limits of about 0.75 mm/kg or 9 ppm (Shuman and
Somlyo, 1987; Leapman et al., 1993b). Leapman and Rizzo (1999) have pointed out
that although electrons may destroy the structure of biological molecules, this does
not necessarily prevent an accurate measurement of elements such as Ca and Fe that
were originally present.
Although calcium represents a favorable case, the detection limits for phos-
phorus are comparable. From energy-selected CTEM images, Bazett-Jones and
Ottensmeyer (1981) reported a phosphorus signal/noise ratio of 29 from a nucle-
osome containing 140 base pairs of DNA (280 phosphorus atoms), equivalent to the
detection of 29 atoms at SNR = 3. Using a STEM and parallel recording spectrom-
eter, Krivanek et al. (1991a, b) measured the O
signal from clusters of thorium
atoms on a thin carbon film; quantification revealed that the signal originated from
just a few atoms.
Suenaga et al. (2000) were the first to report images of single atoms whose
atomic number could be identified by EELS; see Fig. 5.33a. Gadolinium (Gd)
atoms were placed within C
fullerene molecules that were in turn encapsu-
lated within single-wall carbon nanotubes (forming so-called peapods). The 100-kV
STEM probe produced a radiation dose approaching 10
but the atoms were
confined sterically and secondary electrons (which cause most of the damage in
fullerenes and organic compounds) would be free to escape. Even so, an assess-
ment of the number of atoms (from a background-subtracted Gd N-edge and using