5.6 Structural Information from EELS 361
5.6.5 Use of Chemical Shifts
The threshold energy of an ionization edge, or changes in threshold between differ-
ent atomic environments (chemical shift), can provide information about the charge
state and atomic bonding in a solid. In the past, EELS chemical shift measure-
ments have been of limited accuracy compared to those carried out by photoelectron
spectroscopy, but the situation has improved with the development of highly sta-
ble high-voltage and spectrometer power supplies and dual-recording detectors
(Gubbens et al., 2010). As discussed in Chapter 3, the EELS chemical shift rep-
resents a net effect, involving both the initial and final states of a core–electron
transition. Coordination number also has an influence, accommodated in the concept
of coordination charge (Brydson et al., 1992b).
Muller (1999) has argued that for metals the core-loss shift arises mainly from
changes in valence band width arising from changes in atomic bonding, rather than
charge transfer. EELS could therefore provide information about the occupied states
in a metal. While the spatial difference method (Section 4.4.5) can detect core-level
shifts as small as 50 meV, these shifts could be misinterpreted as indicating a change
in the density of states at an interface (Muller, 1999).
A simple example of chemical shift is the change in energy of the π
peak from
284 eV in graphite to 288 eV in calcite (Fig. 5.37) as a result of highly electroneg-
ative O atoms surrounding each C atom. Martin et al. (1989) found that the carbon
K-edge recorded from calcium alkylaryl sulfonate micelles, which contain a cal-
cium carbonate core surrounded by hydrocarbon molecules, can be represented as
a superposition of the K-edges of calcite and graphite. Peaks in the carbon K-edge
fine structure of nucleic acid bases were similarly interpreted by Isaacson (1972b)
and Johnson (1972) in terms of chemical shifts of the π
peak, arising from the
different environments of carbon atoms within each molecule. They reported a peak
shift proportional to the effective charge at each site (Kunzl’s law).
For silicon alloys, Auchterlonie et al. (1989) showed that the energy of the first
peak at the Si L-edge was displaced by an amount proportional to the electronega-
tivity of the nearest-neighbor atoms (B, P, C, N, and O); see Fig. 5.45. On the basis
of this shift and the near-edge structure, their amorphous alloys could be uniquely
identified. Brydson et al. (1992a, b) explained the shape of the oxygen K-edges of
the minerals rhodizite, wollastonite, and titanite in terms of the potential at each of
the oxygen sites.
To simultaneously measure the spectra across gate-dielectric multilayers, Kimoto
et al. (1997, 1999) used spatially resolved EELS, with a slit placed in front of the
electron spectrometer. The SREELS technique ensures that high-voltage fluctua-
tions do not introduce systematic errors, as can happen when spatial resolution is
achieved by scanning a small probe.
Daulton and Little (2006) measured the chromium L
threshold energy of many
Cr compounds, calibrating their energy-loss spectrometer to 855.0 eV for the Ni-L
edge of NiO. Their results were plotted against L
ratio and showed a clear cor-
relation but considerable scatter, suggesting that other factors (coordination, low- or