316 5 TEM Applications of EELS
where C
is the chromatic aberration coefficient of the objective lens. In the case of
100-keV incident electrons, C
= 2 m m and E ≈ 37 eV (average energy loss per
inelastic event for carbon), d
≈ 0.3 nm. For a large energy loss (e.g., core loss),
the chromatic point-spread function is given by Eq. (2.25); the chromatic broaden-
ing depends on the semi-angle β of the objective aperture in CTEM but is several
times less than the overall diameter βC
) of the chromatic disk, as indicated
in Fig. 2.17.
As the specimen thickness increases, an increasing fraction of the electrons
are inelastically scattered and plural scattering causes the average energy loss
to increase, while plural elastic/inelastic scattering further broadens the inelastic
angular distribution. The objective aperture is then “filled” with scattering and the
chromatic broadening is closer to d
≈ βC
(≈ 7nmforβ = 10 mrad).
As a result of these various factors, chromatic aberration becomes more serious in
thicker specimens. Zero-loss filtering then substantially improves the image contrast
and resolution, particularly in organic specimens where inelastic scattering is strong
relative to elastic scattering (Section 3.2.1).
In the case of high-resolution phase-contrast imaging, inelastic scattering is
often assumed to produce a structureless background that reduces image contrast,
although if the low-loss spectrum contains sharp plasmon peaks, this plasmon scat-
tering could produce image artifacts (Krivanek et al., 1990). In general, energy
filtering permits a more quantitative comparison of image contrast with theory
(Stobbs and Saxton, 1988), especially if allowance is made for the point-spread
function of the image-recording CCD camera (Thust, 2009). The s ituation should
be further improved with the deployment of multipole devices that correct for both
spherical and chromatic aberration of TEM imaging lenses.
For the examination of thick specimens, energy-filtered microscopy (EFTEM)
with 80 or 100-keV electrons is therefore an alternative to the use of higher accel-
erating voltages, where chromatic aberration is reduced in proportion to 1/E
according to Eq. (5.14). However, zero-loss filtering reduces the image intensity
by a factor of exp (t/λ), where λ is the total inelastic mean free path, limiting the
maximum usable specimen thickness to about 0.5 μm at 80-keV incident energy.
Staining of biological tissue creates regions containing a high concentration of
heavy-metal atoms surrounded by material comprised mainly of light elements (H,
C, O), and the resulting strong variations in elastic scattering power provide usable
contrast. Because the inelastic/elastic scattering ratio is high for light elements, elec-
tron scattering in unstained regions is mainly inelastic and is therefore removed by
energy filtering, leading to a further improvement in contrast. Reimer and Ross-
Messemer (1989) reported that the contrast of large-scale features in OsO
myelin was increased by a factor of 1.3 after zero-loss filtering.
Because unstained biological specimens provide very low contrast, the image is
often defocused to create phase contrast. Langmore and Smith (1992) found that
zero-loss filtering increased the image contrast from air-dried and frozen hydrated
TMV images by factors between 3 and 4. This improved contrast allows a reduc-
tion in the amount of defocusing, allowing better spatial resolution and increased
signal/noise ratio or reduced electron dose to the specimen (Schröder et al., 1990).