294 5 TEM Applications of EELS
are available for in-situ thickness measurement. Analysis of a convergent-beam
diffraction pattern can achieve 5% accuracy (Castro-Fernandez et al., 1985)butis
time consuming and works only for crystalline specimens. Methods based on tilting
the specimen and observing the lateral shift of surface features (e.g., contamination
spots) are less accurate and may interfere with subsequent microscopy of the same
area. Measurement of the bremsstrahlung continuum in an x-ray emission spec-
trum (Hall, 1979) can give the mass thickness of organic specimens to an accuracy
of 20% but involves substantial electron dose and possible mass loss (Leapman
et al., 1984a, b). Measurement of the elastic scattering from an amorphous specimen
yields thickness in terms of an elastic mean free path or in terms of absolute mass
thickness if the chemical composition is known (Langmore et al., 1973; Langmore
and Smith, 1992; Pozsgai, 2007).
5.1.1 Log-Ratio Method
The most common procedure for estimating specimen thickness within a region
defined by the incident beam (or an area-selecting aperture) is to record a low-loss
spectrum and compare the area I
under the zero-loss peak with the total area I
under the whole spectrum. From Poisson statistics (Section 3.4), the thickness t is
given by
t/λ = ln(I
) (5.1)
where λ is the total mean free path for all inelastic scattering. As discussed in
Section 3.4.1, λ in Eq. (5.1) should be interpreted as an effective mean free path
λ(β) if a collection aperture limits the scattering angles recorded by the spectrom-
eter to a value β, especially if this aperture cuts off an appreciable fraction of the
scattering (e.g. β < 20 mrad).
Before applying Eq. (5.1), any instrumental background should be subtracted
from the spectrum. Particularly for very thin specimens, correct estimation of this
background is essential for accurate thickness measurement. In the case of data
recorded from a CCD camera, the appropriate background will be a dark-current
spectrum acquired shortly before or after the energy-loss data, recorded with the
same integration time and number of readouts.
Measurement of I
and I
involves a choice of the energies ε, δ, and that define
the integration limits; see Fig. 5.1. The lower limit (–ε) of t he zero-loss region can
be taken anywhere to the left of the zero-loss peak where the intensity has fallen
practically to zero. The separation point δ for the zero-loss and inelastic regions
can be taken as the first minimum in intensity (Fig. 5.1) on the assumption that
errors arising from the overlapping tails of the zero-loss and inelastic components
approximately cancel. Alternatively, I
is measured by fitting the zero-loss peak to
an appropriate function, whose integral is known. The upper limit should corre-
spond to an energy loss above which further contribution to I
does not affect the