280 4 Quantitative Analysis of Energy-Loss Data
In insulators, the initial excitation is often to a bound state (Section 3.8.5), for which
< 0, leading to E
> E
. Because of possible chemical shifts, E
is best
obtained from the experimental spectrum; the inflection point at the edge or an
energy loss corresponding to half the total rise in intensity (Johnson et al., 1981a)
are possible choices. Unfortunately, an error in E
leads to a shift in the RDF peaks;
for the boron K-edge in BN, Stephens and Brown (1981) found that the r-values
changed by about 5% for a 5-eV change in E
In fact, the most appropriate value of E
is related to the choice of energy zero
assumed in calculating the phase shifts that are subsequently applied to the data.
Lee and Beni (1977) proposed treating E
as a variable parameter whose value is
selected, so that peaks in both the imaginary part and the absolute value (modulus) of
the Fourier transform of χ(k) occur at the same radius r. With suitably defined phase
shifts (Teo and Lee, 1979), this method of choosing E
gave r-values mostly within
1% of known interatomic spacings (up to fifth nearest neighbors) when applied to
EXAFS data from crystalline Ge and Cu (Lee and Beni, 1977).
Spectral data are usually recorded at equally spaced energy increments but after
conversion of χ (E)toχ( k), the data points are unequally spaced. If a fast Fourier
transform (FFT) algorithm is to be used, the k-increments must be equal and some
form of interpolation is needed. For finely spaced data points, linear interpretation
is adequate; in the more general case, a sinc function provides greater accuracy
(Bracewell, 1978). Some conventional (discrete) Fourier transform programs can
use unequally spaced χ(k) data. Correction for k-Dependence of Backscattering
According to Eq. (3.167), the RDF is modulated by the term f
(k)/k, where f
the backscattering amplitude. The χ (k) data s hould therefore be divided by this term.
A simple approximation is to take f
(k) ∝ k
, based on the Rutherford scattering
formula: Eq. (3.3) with q =2k. As shown in Fig. 4.24, this provides a fair approxi-
mation for light elements ( e.g., C, O) but is inadequate for elements of higher atomic
number. In some EXAFS studies, χ(k) is multiplied by k
(as in Fig. 4.21b), the
value of n being chosen empirically to emphasize either the low-k or the high-k data,
and thus the contribution of low-Z or high-Z atoms to the backscattered intensity
(Rabe et al., 1980). Truncation of the Data
Before computing the Fourier transform, values of χ (k) that lie outside a chosen
range (k = k
to k
) are removed. The low-k data are omitted because single-
scattering EXAFS theory does not apply in the near-edge region and because at low
k the phase term ϕ(k) becomes nonlinear in k. High-k data are excluded because they
consist mainly of noise (amplified by multiplying by k
,asinFig.4.21b), which
could contribute spurious fine structure to the RDF. The occurrence of another ion-
ization edge at higher energy may also limit the maximum value of k. In typical
EXELFS studies (Johnson et al., 1981a; Leapman et al., 1981; Stephens and Brown,