250 4 Quantitative Analysis of Energy-Loss Data
capable of removing plural scattering from anywhere within the energy-loss spec-
trum, including the mixed (core + plasmon) scattering beyond an ionization edge. It
involves calculating a Fourier transform of the entire spectrum, from the zero-loss
peak up to and beyond the ionization edge(s) of interest. To prevent truncation errors
from affecting the SSD within the range of interest, the spectrum must be recorded
up to an energy loss well beyond these edges or else extrapolated smoothly toward
zero intensity at some high energy loss.
Any discontinuities in the spectrum must be removed before calculating its trans-
form. For example, low-loss and core-loss regions obtained by separate readouts
from a parallel recording spectrometer must be “spliced” together. The resulting
spectrum will often have a large dynamic range (e.g., 10
) but Fourier proce-
dures usually provide the necessary precision, using the procedures described in
Section 4.1.1.
Unlike the Fourier ratio method described in Section 4.3.2, Fourier log deconvo-
lution removes plural scattering from both the core-loss region and the preceding
background. Because the core-loss intensity just above the ionization threshold
arises only from single inner-shell scattering, the “jump ratio” of an edge increases
after Fourier l og processing, the increase being dramatic in the case of moderately
thick samples; see Fig. 4.6. In this respect, the deconvolved spectra are equivalent
to those that would be obtained using a thinner sample or a higher incident energy.
However, the noise components arising from the plural scattering remain behind
after deconvolution, so statistical errors of background subtraction (Section 4.4.4)
remain much the same. Therefore Fourier log deconvolution improves the sensi-
tivity and accuracy of elemental analysis only to the extent that systematic errors in
background fitting may be reduced, for example, if the single-scattering background
approximates more closely to a power-law energy dependence (Leapman and Swyt,
In addition to increasing the fractional noise content of the pre-edge background,
Fourier log deconvolution tends to accentuate any artifacts present in the spectrum,
e.g., due to power supply fluctuations or nonlinearity in the intensity scale. An exam-
ple is shown in Fig. 4.6, where splicing of the low-loss spectrum to the core-loss
region resulted in a change in slope. Deconvolution converts this change in slope
into a “hump” extending over tens of eV, which might be mistaken for an ionization
edge. Although somewhat extreme, this example illustrates the need for high-quality
data prior to deconvolution.
4.3.2 Fourier Ratio Method
This alternative Fourier technique involves two regions of the spectrum. One of
them, usually the low-loss region J
(E) containing the zero-loss peak and energy
losses up to typically 100 eV, is used as a deconvolution function or “instrument
function” for the second region. The latter is typically the background-subtracted
core-loss region J
(E), in which case the result should be an unbroadened single-
scattering core-loss intensity K
(E), obtained on the assumption that