3.11 Delocalization of Inelastic Scattering 227
probe, especially at low energy loss where the angular distribution of inelastic scat-
tering is narrow and the PSF correspondingly broad. Aloof excitation of surface
plasmons (Section 3.3.6) represents a special case of this. In the case of energy-
selected elemental maps, atomic resolution is possible only for higher E edges,
where θ
exceeds about 2 mrad and the width of the central peak of the PSF is
below 0.2 nm. For high-Z elements, the average energy loss amounts to several hun-
dred electron volts and a considerable fraction of the intensity occurs within the
central peak of the PSF, allowing the possibility of secondary electron imaging of
single atoms (Inada et al., 2011).
In the case of crystalline specimens thicker than a few nanometers, a detailed
description of core-loss imaging requires a more sophisticated treatment. Inelastic
scattering is represented in terms of a nonlocal potential W(r, r
two independent spatial coordinates (r and r
), and related to a density matrix
(Schattschneider et al., 1999) or mixed dynamical form factor (Kohl and Rose,
1985; Schattschneider et al., 2000). The MDFF represents a generalization of the
dynamic form factor, necessary in crystals because the inelastically scattered waves
are mutually coherent and interfere with each other. Equation (3.20) then becomes
(r, z) W(r, r
) ψ
, z) dr dr
dz (3.178)
where t he integrations are over radial coordinates perpendicular to the incident beam
direction z and over specimen thickness (0 < z < t). Equation (3.178) incorporates
the effect of the phase of the transmitted electron and its diffraction by the specimen,
making the cross section sensitive to the angle between the electron and the crystal.
If the spectrometer collection aperture cuts off an appreciable part of the scatter-
ing, the inelastic intensity is not in general proportional to the z-integrated current
density, implying that energy-filtered STEM images cannot always be interpreted
visually and may require computer modeling to be understood on an atomic scale
(Oxley and Pennycook, 2008; Wang et al., 2008c).
One feature appearing in such calculations is a volcano or donut structure (a dip
in intensity at the center of an atom or atomic column), which arises in the case of
a limited collection angle because electrons incident at the atomic center are scat-
tered preferentially to higher angles and are intercepted by the collection aperture
(D’Alfonso et al., 2008). The fact that an off-axis detector provides a more local-
ized inelastic signal was verified experimentally by Muller and Silcox (1995a). The
practical importance of delocalization for elemental analysis, in combination with
other resolution-limiting factors, is discussed further in Section 5.5.
Simplifying the situation by treating elastic and inelastic scattering separately,
we can expect a reasonable probability of an electron undergoing both types of
scattering, unless the specimen is ultrathin (<10 nm). As elastic scattering involves
relatively high angles and is more localized, contrast with high spatial frequency can
therefore occur in an inelastic image. Examples include the appearance of diffrac-
tion contrast in a plasmon-loss image (Egerton, 1976c) and phase-contrast lattice
fringes in a core-loss image (Craven and Colliex, 1977). Since it arises from double