236 4 Quantitative Analysis of Energy-Loss Data
where J(m) is the spectral intensity stored in data channel m (m being linearly related
to energy loss) and the integer n replaces v as the Fourier “frequency.”
Because of
the sampled nature of the recorded data and its finite energy range, J(E) can be
completely represented in the Fourier domain by a limited number of frequencies,
not exceeding n = N − 1. Moreover, the spectral data J(E) are real (no imaginary
part), so that j
(−v) = j
(v), j
(−v) =−j
(v), and j
(0) = 0 (Bracewell, 1978).
Sometimes the negative frequencies are stored in channels N/2 to N, so these rela-
tions become j
(N − n) = j
(n), j
(N − n) =−j
(n), and j
(0) = 0. As a result,
only (N/2 + 1) real values and N/2 imaginary values of j(n) need be computed and
stored, requiring a total of N + 1 s torage channels for each transform. The require-
ment becomes just N channels if the zero-frequency value j
(0), representing the
“dc” component of J(E), is discarded (it can be added back at the end, after taking
the inverse transform). The fact that the maximum recorded frequency is n =N/2
(the Nyquist frequency) means that frequency components in excess of this value
ought to be filtered from the data before computing the DFT (Higgins, 1976)in
order to prevent spurious high-frequency components appearing in the SSD (alias-
ing). In EELS data, however, this filtering is rarely necessary because frequencies
exceeding N/2 consist mainly of noise (the spectra are oversampled).
Although the limits of integration in Eq. ( 4.7) extend to infinity, the finite range
of the recorded spectrum will have no deleterious effect provided J(E) and its deriva-
tives have the same value at m =0 and at m = N−1. In this case, J(E) can be thought
of as being part of a periodic function whose Fourier series contains cosine and sine
coefficients that are the real and imaginary parts of j(n). The necessary “continuity
condition” is satisfied if J(E) falls practically to zero at both ends of the recorded
range. If not J(E) should be extrapolated smoothly to zero at m=N − 1, using (for
example) a cosine bell function: A[1 −cos r(N − m − 1)], where r and A are con-
stants chosen to match the data near the end of the range. Any discontinuity in J(E)
creates unwanted high-frequency components which, following deconvolution, give
rise to ripples adjacent to any sharp features in the SSD.
In order to record all of the zero-loss peak, the origin of the energy-loss axis must
correspond to some nonzero channel number m
. The result of this displacement of
the origin is to multiply j(n) by the factor exp(2πim
n/N). However, Z(E) usually
has the same origin as J(E), so z(n) gets multiplied by the same factor and the effects
cancel in Eq. (4.10). In Eq. (4.11), where z(v) also occurs outside the logarithm, the
combined effect is to shift the recovered SSD to the right by m
channels, so that
its origin occurs in channel m = 2m
. To avoid the need for an additional phase
shift term in Eqs. (4.12) and (4.13), J(E) must be shifted, so that the center of the
zero-loss peak occurs in the first channel (m = 0) before computing the transforms.
In that case, the left half of Z(E) must be placed in channels immediately preceding
the last one (m = N − 1).
The number of data channels used for each spectrum is usually of the form
N = 2
, where k is an integer, allowing a fast-Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm
As an example, the DFT of the unit-area Gaussian is exp(−π