3.7 The Form of Inner-Shell Edges 205
valence-electron configuration. For example, going from a conducting phase (such
as graphite) to an insulator (diamond) introduces an energy bandgap, raising the
first-available empty state by several electron volts and increasing the ionization
threshold energy (Fig. 1.4). On the other hand, the edge threshold in many ionic
insulators corresponds to excitation to bound exciton states within the energy gap,
reducing the chemical shift by an amount equal to the exciton binding energy.
The situation is further complicated by a many-body effect known as relaxation.
When a positively charged core hole is created by inner-shell excitation, nearby
electron orbitals are pulled inward, reducing the magnitude of the measured binding
energy by an amount equal to the relaxation energy. In XPS, where the excited
electron leaves the solid, measured relaxation energies are s ome tens of electron
volts. In EELS or XAS, however, a core electron that receives energy just slightly
in excess of the threshold value remains in the vicinity of the core hole and the
screening effect of its negative charge reduces the relaxation energy. In a metal,
conduction electrons provide additional screening that is absent in an insulating
compound, so while relaxation effects may be less in EELS than in XPS, differences
in relaxation energy between a metal and its compounds can have an appreciable
influence on the chemical shift (Leapman et al., 1982).
Muller (1999) has pointed out that core-level shifts can be opposite in sign to
those expected from electronegativity arguments, and in binary alloys the shift can
be of the same sign for both elements. Measured core-level shifts in Ni–Al and
Ni–Si alloys were found to be proportional to valence band shifts deduced from
linear muffin-tin orbital calculations. In metals, therefore, the core-loss shift appears
to be largely determined by changes in the valence band, rather than by charge
transfer. The width of the valence band varies with changes in the type, number,
and separation of neighboring atoms, the core level tracking these valence band
shifts to within 0.1 eV. As a result, the EELS chemical shift is capable of providing
information about the occupied electronic states of a metal.
Measured EELS chemical shifts of metal-atom L
edges in transition metal
oxides are typically 1 or 2 eV and either positive or negative (Leapman et al., 1982).
The shifts of K-absorption edges in the same compounds are all positive and in the
range of 0.7–10.8 eV (Grunes, 1983). XAS chemical shifts, largely equivalent to
those registered by EELS, have been studied extensively. The absorption edge of
the metal atom in a compound is usually shifted to higher photon energy (compared
to the metallic element) and these positive chemical shifts range up to 20 eV (for
) i n the case of K-edges of transition metals.
Because t ransition series elements can take more than one valency, there exist
mixed-valency compounds (e.g., Fe
and Mn
) containing differently charged
ions of the same species. Since the chemical shift increases with increasing oxida-
tion state, a double edge or multiple edges may be observed. In chromite spinel, for
example, the L
and the L
white lines are each split by about 2 eV because of the
presence of both Cr
and Cr
ions. Since these two ions occupy different sites
(tetrahedral and octahedral) within the unit cell, the observed splitting will include
a contribution (estimated as 0.7 eV) arising from the different site symmetry (Taftø
and Krivanek, 1982b).