3.5 The Spectral Background to Inner-Shell Edges 181
in comparison with that arising from electronic excitation (Isaacson and Johnson,
1975; Rossouw and Whelan, 1979).
3.5.4 Plural-Scattering Contributions to the Background
Within the low-loss region (E < 100 eV), plural scattering contributes significant
intensity unless the specimen thickness is much less than the plasmon mean free
path (of the order of 100 nm for 100-keV electrons; see Section 3.3.1). At an energy
loss of several hundred electron volts, however, multiple scattering that involves
only plasmon events makes a negligible contribution, since the required number n
of scattering events is large and the probability P
becomes vanishingly small as a
result of the n! denominator in Eq. (3.94). For example, a multiple plasmon loss of
requires (on the average) 10 successive scattering events, giving P
< 10
for a sample thickness equal to the plasmon mean free path.
Similarly, it can be shown that the probability of two or more inelastic events of
comparable energy loss is negligible when the total loss is greater than 100 eV. For
example, if the single-scattering probability P(E)isoftheformAE
, the proba-
bility of two similar events (each of energy loss E/2) is 2
, which at high
energy loss is small compared to P(E) because of the rapid falloff in the differential
cross section.
However, the probability of two dissimilar energy losses can be appreciable,
as illustrated by the following simplified model (Stephens, 1980). The low-loss
spectrum is represented by a series of sharp (δ-function) peaks at multiples of
the plasmon energy E
, the area under each being given by Poisson statistics. The
energy dependence of the single-scattering background (arising from inner-shell or
valence single-electron excitation) is taken to be J
(E) = AE
, with A and r as
constants. Provided that scattering events are independent, the joint probability of
several events is the product of the individual probabilities. Therefore the intensity
at an energy loss E, due to one single-electron and n plasmon events, is
(E) = A(E −nE
exp(−t/λ)/n! (3.117)
where λ is the plasmon mean free path. This equation allows the contributions
from different orders of scattering to be compared for different values of t/λ;
see Fig. 3.33 and Appendix B, Section B.10.
Plural scattering contributions to an ionization edge can be evaluated in a similar
way (Fig. 3.33). Since the double (core-loss + plasmon) scattering is delayed until
an energy loss E = E
+ E
, the core-loss intensity just above the threshold E
represents only single core-loss scattering. Defining the jump ratio (JR) of the edge
as the height of the initial rise divided by the intensity of the immediately preceding
background, JR is seen to decrease with increasing specimen thickness, because of
plural scattering contributions to the background; see Fig. 3.33.
An alternative measure of edge visibility is the signal/background ratio (SBR),
measured as core-loss intensity integrated over an energy range above the