3.3 Excitation of Outer-Shell Electrons 165
In the case of a crystalline specimen, the r eflected intensity is strong when the
angle between the incident beam and the surface is equal to a Bragg angle for atomic
planes which lie parallel to the surface,thespecular Bragg condition. The intensity
is further increased by adjusting the crystal orientation so that a resonance parabola
seen in the reflection diffraction pattern (the equivalent of a Kikuchi line in trans-
mission diffraction) intersects a Bragg-reflection spot, such as the ( 440) reflection
for a {110} GaAs surface, giving a surface-resonance condition. The penetration
depth of the electrons is then only a few monolayers, but the electron wave travels a
short distance (typically of the order of 100 nm) parallel to the surface before being
reflected (Wang and Egerton, 1988).
The ratio P
of the integrated surface plasmon intensity, relative to the zero-loss
intensity in a specular Bragg-reflected beam, has been calculated on the basis of
both classical and quantum-mechanical theory (Lucas and Sunjic, 1971; Evans and
Mills, 1972). For a clean surface (ε
= 1) and assuming negligible penetration of
the electrons,
= e
v cos θ
) (3.85)
which is identical to the formula for perpendicular transmission through a single
interface, Eq. (3.77), except that the incident velocity v is replaced by its compo-
nent v(cos θ
) normal to the surface. In the case of measurements made at glancing
incidence, this normal component is small and P
may approach or exceed unity.
Surface peaks then dominate the energy-loss spectrum (see Fig. 3.27); bulk plas-
mons are observed only for lower values of θ
or (owing to the broader angular
distribution of volume scattering) when recording the spectrum at inelastic scat-
tering angles θ away from a specular beam (Schilling, 1976; Powell, 1968). An
equivalent explanation for the increase in surface loss as θ
→ 90
is that the
incident electron spends a longer time in the vicinity of the surface (Raether, 1980).
Schilling and Raether (1973) have reported energy gains of ω
in energy-loss
spectra of 10-keV electrons reflected from a liquid-indium surface at θ
≈ 88.5
Such processes were measurable only with an incident beam current so high that the
time interval between the arrival of the electrons was comparable with the surface
plasmon relaxation time. Even under the somewhat-optimized conditions used in
this experiment, the probability of energy gain was only about 0.2%.
The electron microscope allows a reflection diffraction pattern to be observed
and indexed, so the value of the incident angle θ
can be obtained from the Bragg
angle θ
of each reflected beam, provided allowance is made for refraction of the
electron close to the surface (see Fig. 3.27b). The refraction effect depends on the
mean inner potential φ
of the specimen; using relativistic mechanics to calculate
the acceleration of the incident electron toward the surface gives
Strictly speaking, P
is a “scattering parameter” analogous to t/λ in Section 3.3.6, but approxi-
mates a single-scattering probability if much less than unity.