5.1 Measurement of Specimen Thickness 301
that the formula should apply to large β (e.g., 100 mrad, limited only by post-
specimen lenses). Advantages of large β are that its exact value need not be known
and convergence correction is unnecessary, so the incident probe convergence α is
not required. The programs IMFP and PMFP, described in Appendix B, calculate λ
for the different formulas described above.
Although Eq. (5.1) involves specimen thickness t, it is actually the total scat-
tering and mass thickness that is measured by EELS. If the physical density of a
material were reduced by a factor f, the scattering per atom would remain the same
(according to an atomic model) and the mean free path should increase by a factor f.
This prediction was confirmed by Jiang et al. (2010), using crystalline MgO and
nanoporous MgO whose density was about half the bulk value, resulting in a mea-
sured λ about a factor of 2 l arger. Such arguments ignore the presence of surface
plasmon losses at internal pores, and as pointed out by Batson (1993a) the presence
of surfaces increases the total scattering, despite the begrenzungs effect (Fig. 3.25).
In practice, this increase appears to be modest. Shindo et al. (2005) measured mean
free paths differing by a factor ≈1.7 for diamond-like carbon films prepared by
different methods, with physical densities between 1.4 and 2.1 g/cm
. Organic Specimens
Biological specimens vary in porosity and are usually characterized in terms of mass
thickness ρt, which can be determined from a variant of Eq. ( 5.1), namely
ρt = ρλ ln(I
) = (1/σ
) (5.6)
where σ
is a cross section per unit mass. Calculations of Leapman et al.
(1984a, b) based on Thomas–Fermi, Hartree–Fock, and dielectric models (Ashley
and Williams, 1980) suggested that ρλ varies by no more than ±20% for biologi-
cal compounds, although these different models predicted values of ρλ differing by
almost a factor of 2 (e.g., 8.8 μg/cm
to 15 μg/cm
for protein at E
= 100 keV).
Other measurements and calculations based on the Bethe sum rule gave ρλ =
17.2 μg/cm
for protein at 100-keV beam energy (Sun et al., 1993).
The only data processing involved in the log-ratio method is separation of the
spectrum into zero-loss and inelastic components, both of which are strong signals
and relatively noise free. Measurements can therefore be performed rapidly, with
an electron exposure of no more t han 10
C. Even for organic materials, where
structural damage or mass loss can occur at a dose as low as 10
, thickness
can be measured with a lateral spatial resolution below 100 nm. In this respect, the
log-ratio technique is an attractive alternative to the x-ray continuum method (Hall,
1979), which requires electron exposures of 10
C or more to obtain adequate
statistics (Leapman et al., 1984a). Rez et al. (1992) employed the log-ratio method to
measure the thickness of paraffin crystals, with a reported accuracy of 0.4 nm under
low-dose (0.003 C/cm
) and low-temperature (−170
C) conditions. Leapman et al.
(1993a) used similar methods to measure 200-nm-diameter areas of protein (cro-
toxin) crystals and achieved good agreement with thicknesses determined using the