3.1 Elastic Scattering 119
The type 1 wave propagates in the same direction but has its current density peaked
exactly on the atomic planes. Because of the attractive force of the atomic nuclei,
the type 1 wave has a more negative potential energy and therefore a higher kinetic
energy and larger wavevector than the type-2 wave. Because of this difference in
wavevector between the Bloch waves, their combined intensity exhibits a “beating”
effect, which provides an alternative but equivalent explanation for the occurrence
of thickness fringes in the TEM image.
The relative amplitudes of the Bloch waves depend on the crystal orientation.
For the two-beam case, both amplitudes are equal at the Bragg condition, but if the
crystal is tilted toward a “zone axis” orientation (the angle between the incident
beam and the atomic planes being less than the Bragg angle) more intensity occurs
in Bloch wave 1. Conversely, if t he crystal is tilted in the opposite direction, Bloch
wave 2 becomes dominant. Away from the Bragg orientation the current density
distributions of the Bloch waves become more uniform, so that they more nearly
resemble plane waves.
Besides having a larger wavevector, the type 1 Bloch wave has a greater proba-
bility of being scattered by inelastic events that occur close to the center of an atom,
such as inner-shell and phonon excitation (thermal-diffuse scattering). Electron
microscopists refer to this inelastic scattering as absorption, meaning that the scat-
tered electron is absorbed by the angle-limiting objective aperture that is commonly
used in a TEM to enhance image contrast or limit lens aberrations. The effect is
incorporated into diffraction-contrast theory by adding to the lattice potential an
imaginary component V
= v/2λ
, where λ
is an appropriate inelastic mean free
path. The variation of this “absorption” with crystal orientation is called anomalous
absorption and is characterized by an imaginary potential V
. In certain directions,
the crystal appears more “transparent” in a bright-field TEM image; in other direc-
tions it is more opaque because of increased inelastic scattering outside the objective
aperture. This behavior is analogous to the Borrmann effect in x-ray penetration
and similar in many respects to the channeling of nuclear particles through solids.
Anomalous absorption is also responsible for the Kikuchi bands that appear in the
background to an electron-diffraction pattern (Kainuma, 1955; Hirsch et al., 1977).
The orientation dependence of the Bloch-wave amplitudes also affects the inten-
sity of inner-shell edges visible in the energy-loss spectrum. As the crystal is tilted
through a Bragg orientation, an ionization edge can become either more or less
prominent, depending upon the location (within the unit cell) of the atoms being
ionized, relative to those that lie on the Bragg-reflecting planes (Taftø and Krivanek,
1982a). Inner-shell ionization is followed by de-excitation of the atom, involving the
emission of Auger electrons or characteristic x-ray photons. So as a further result of
the orientation dependence of absorption, the amount of x-ray emission varies with
crystal orientation, provided the incident beam is sufficiently parallel (Hall, 1966;
Cherns et al., 1973). This variation in x-ray signal is utilized in the ALCHEMI
method of determining the crystallographic site of an emitting atom (Spence and
Taftø, 1983).
In a more typical situation in which a number of Bragg beams are excited simul-
taneously, there are an equally large number of Bloch waves, whose current density