21.1 Introductory Considerations 655
contamination occurs inherent for all components exposed to the fluid. Re-
liable measurements with hot-wire and hot-film anemometers are therefore
often possible only under laboratory conditions. In practical flow studies, one
accepts that dirt is deposited on the measuring sensors continuously with
time. The dirt layer developing on measuring sensors forms a heat insulation
that was not taken into account when the measuring sensor was calibrated.
In order to avoid measuring errors, caused in this way, recalibration of the
measuring probe has to be carried out at short time intervals, which can be
very time consuming.
Most measuring methods that require the insertion of measuring probes in
flows measure the flow velocity of interest only indirectly, i.e. with most flow-
measuring instruments physical quantities are measured which are functions
of the flow velocity. Direct measurements of the local flow velocity are often
not carried out. Unfortunately, the measured quantities, through which the
flow velocity is determined, are mostly also functions of the thermodynamic
state properties of the fluid medium. These fluid-property influences have to
be known and have to be taken into account in the calibration of the sensor,
in order to make the interpretation of the final measured data possible, i.e.
to yield the flow velocity through measurements. When fluctuations of the
state parameters of the fluid medium occur during measurements, e.g. in two-
phase flows, flows with chemical reactions, etc., these have to be known in
order to determine accurately the local velocity with hot-wire anemometers.
However, in practical measurements it is often not possible to know the fluid
properties at all measuring times, and they can therefore not be employed in
the interpretation of the measured velocity signals.
The above-mentioned difficulties in the employment of indirect measur-
ing techniques for flow velocities have led to the development of the laser
Doppler anemometry, which allows, almost directly, the local flow velocity
to be measured. By measuring the time which a particle needs for passing
through a well-defined interference pattern, the flow velocity of the parti-
cle is determined. Such measurements do not depend on the often unknown
properties of the flow fluid. Measurements are possible in one- and two-phase
flows, and also in combustion systems and in the atmosphere. The measuring
technique can moreover be employed in fluid media filled with particles, as
they often occur in practice. However, its employment requires optical access
to the measuring point and thus a sufficient transparency of the flow medium.
In this respect, the employment of laser Doppler anemometry is also limited.
Its application allows, nevertheless, the determination of flow velocities in a
number of flows that are important in practice, but cannot be investigated
by other measuring methods.
In addition to the above-mentioned measuring techniques for determining
local, time-resolved fluid velocities, the determination of pressure distribu-
tions is also very important in experimental fluid mechanics. This is given
consideration in the next section which treats the measurement of static pres-
sures. Introductory presentations of the measurement of dynamic pressures