Index 721
Important potential flows, 299
Incompressible flows, 257–273
complex function, 280–282
potential flows, 277, 280
potential function, 276–282
stream function, 98, 275–280
Integral laws, 29–32
Integral properties, 474–480
Jet deflection at an edge, 236
Jet flow, 481–486
Kinematic similarity, 194, 198
Kinetic energy of turbulence, 550, 555
Laminar free jet, 481–486
Laminar-turbulent transition, 12, 495,
Laplace operator, 26–28, 34
Large Reynolds number flows, 463–492
Laser Doppler anemometry, 7, 13, 558,
559, 565, 653, 655, 694–696, 701,
709, 710, 713, 717
Length scales, 207, 208, 210, 553–556,
562–564, 576, 579, 624
Longitudinal waves, 310, 313–318
Lubrication films, 433, 434, 436
Mach cone, 335, 337, 338
Mach lines, 335
Mass conservation, 73–75, 99, 100,
114–117, 221–224, 243, 256–258,
344, 345, 607, 616
Mean flow field, 125, 383, 433, 543–546,
548–554, 558, 564, 572–574
Mechanical energy equation, 128, 130,
144, 145, 221, 225, 226, 228, 245,
255, 256, 309, 546, 547, 560, 627
Mixing process in pipe, 237
Molecular heat transport, 83
Molecular mass transport, 83
Molecular momentum transport, 69, 83,
123, 125, 140, 141, 148, 200, 209,
225, 253, 354, 371, 385, 388, 394,
397, 398, 401, 453, 459, 480, 486,
Molecular properties, 51, 52, 54, 64, 67
equations, 85, 119, 120, 123, 127, 128,
130, 137–139, 144, 197–199, 209,
253, 275, 277, 303, 313, 338, 356,
362, 363, 365, 366, 459, 496, 509,
546, 617, 618, 628, 634, 637, 646,
649, 653
on inclined plane plate, 234–236
on plane vertical plate, 232–234
Motion of fluid elements, 85–89
deformation, 104–107, 110–112
divergence, 101–103
path lines, 86–89
relative motions, 108–112
rotation, 104–107, 110, 111
streak lines, 90–94
stream function, 98–101
stream lines, 94–101
translation, 104–107, 110–112
Natural convection, 191, 633–636, 638,
640, 647–649
Navier-Stokes equations, 12, 123–128,
136–144, 146, 183, 277, 312, 361,
381, 430, 446, 449, 450, 464–466,
468, 476, 497, 501, 505, 509, 513,
542, 544, 545, 557, 560–562, 565,
592, 614, 641, 653
Newton’s second law, 119–123
Newtonian fluids, 4, 8, 55, 69, 124, 127,
137, 197, 201, 206, 221, 364, 369,
381, 544, 546, 562, 593, 650
Non-linear propagation, 338–341
Numerical solutions, 5, 6, 8, 13, 473,
476, 501, 516, 526, 559, 560, 562,
587, 588, 590–594
One-dimensional flows and viscous
fluids, 393, 394, 396, 397, 406, 426
One-equation models, 563, 573, 576
Optical systems, 696, 697, 700–706, 708
Orthogonal coordinates, 32–36
Oscillating fluid flows, 414–416
Outflow from containers, 230, 231
Partial derivative, 85, 280, 394, 400
Pipe flow, 200, 252, 258, 344–352, 355,
379–383, 385, 407, 424, 426, 572,
578, 584
Plane Couette flow, 366–369
Plane plate boundary layer, 641–644
Plane progressive waves, 325–329
Plane standing waves, 323–325
Potential flows, 275–308
Potential vortex flow, 288–291
Power of flow machines, 245–247
Pressure gradient driven fluid flows,
Pressure measuring instruments,
163–168, 657, 661, 662