670 21 Introduction to Fluid-Flow Measurement
it clear that flow-measurement technology nowadays employs hot elements
extensively, in order to measure fluid mechanically relevant quantities, when
carrying out experimental flow investigations.
The employment of hot-film technology for flow measurements in fluids re-
quires special skills and much care from the experimentalist, in order to obtain
reliable velocity measurements. The above-mentioned special designs of film
sensors are required because of the special properties of liquids. The most im-
portant of these properties disturbing the execution of hot-film measurements
are as follows:
1. The boiling temperature of fluids is low.
2. Organic fluids can decompose.
3. Fluids generally possess electrical conductivity.
4. Fluids dissolve gases and these can be set free.
5. Fluids are usually more contaminated than gases.
6. In water and other fluids salts are dissolved.
7. Tap water contains algae, bacteria and microorganisms.
In order to be able to obtain reproducible results when doing measurements
in fluid flows, the above-mentioned special properties of fluids have to be
taken into account.
Because of point 1 above, when carrying out hot-film measurements, the
operating temperature of the sensor has to stay below the boiling temper-
ature of the flow medium, as otherwise boiling of the fluid at the heated
sensor occurs. For practical reasons, it is important to consider that lower
operating temperatures, compared with the boiling temperature, have to be
chosen for the mean temperature of the hot film. As the temperature distri-
bution of commercially available cylindrical hot-film probes, having a length
of only 20–30 times their wire diameter, show a steep temperature max-
imum in the wire center, as can be deduced from measurements with an
infrared detector (Fig. 21.16). It is this maximum temperature that must
not exceed the boiling temperature when carrying out hot-film measure-
ments in liquids. When the temperature distribution along the wire is not
taken into consideration when setting the overheating temperature, the boil-
ing temperature of the fluid can easily be exceeded locally in the probe
center and evaporation of the fluid can occur. This leads to local modifi-
cations of the heat transfer between sensor and fluid and thus to erroneous
Organic fluids decompose (point 2) after exceeding a critical temperature,
lower than the boiling temperature. This can lead to depositions on the probe
surface, which usually result in decreases in the anemometry output voltages.
Electrical conductivity of a fluid (point 3) leads to electrolysis at the sen-
sor surface of uncoated and, hence, unprotected films. Due to unprotected
exposure of the sensor to the liquid, gas bubbles (H
or O
bubbles in water)
are generated and the sensor material is worn away from the wire surface
as a result of electrolysis, which is manifested by an increase in the cold