Chapter 21
Introduction to Fluid-Flow Measurement
21.1 Introductory Considerations
The derivation of the Reynolds equations, as a basis for numerical flow in-
vestigations, led to a system of differential equations which, in addition to
the mean values of the components of the flow velocity and the static pres-
sure, contain also turbulent transport terms. These terms represent, for the
turbulent momentum transport, time mean values of the products of veloc-
ity fluctuations. These transport terms were derived from the Navier–Stokes
equations by introducing into the equation mean velocity components and
turbulent velocity fluctuation, and by averaging them afterwards with re-
spect to time. Although the turbulent transport terms were derived formally,
as new unknowns of the flow field, physical importance can be attached to
them. They represent, in the averaged momentum equations, additional dif-
fusive momentum-transport terms, which occur in flows due to turbulent
velocity fluctuations that occur superimposed on the mean velocity field.
When one wants to solve the Reynolds equations, it is important to
find additional relationships for these correlations of the turbulent veloc-
ity fluctuations
. These relationships can be formulated by hypothetical
assumptions, and this approach played an important role in the past when
setting up turbulence models. Today, however, it is considered for certain that
reliable information on the time-averaged properties of turbulent flows can
only be obtained by detailed experimental investigations of different flows. To
gain the necessary information requires local measurements of the instanta-
neous velocity of turbulent flows. Such measurements can be made by means
of hot-wire or hot-film anemometry and laser Doppler anemometry that pos-
sess the necessary resolution in terms of time and space for local velocity
measurements in flows. These methods also permit to carry out the neces-
sary measurements in a relatively short time. Such measurements contribute
to the understanding of the physics of turbulent flows and make it possible
to introduce additional information into the computations of turbulent flows
for the above-mentioned correlations of turbulent velocity fluctuations.