598 19 Numerical Solutions of the Basic Equations
for this case is consequently conservative. However, one recognizes that for
finite-difference methods special measures have to be taken to force the con-
servativeness. Not least, it is assumed in the derivations that the numerical
grid employed does not show a strong non-equidistance. When the latter
assumption is not fulfilled, the method is not conservative and, moreover,
the order of the discretization method is reduced by an order of magnitude.
It is therefore emphasized once again that finite-difference methods are not
necessarily conservative. In addition, connected with this, non-conservative
formulations yield disadvantageous reductions of the order of the accuracy of
the solution methods.
19.4 Finite-Volume Discretization
19.4.1 General Considerations
The notation used in this section is represented in Fig. 19.7. Considered is a
point P and its neighbors located in direction of the coordinate axes, e.g. of
a Cartesian coordinate system. The neighboring points in the x–y plane are
named West, South, East and North, corresponding to their position relative
to P , and the two points in the z direction are referred to as Top and Bottom
For the considerations to follow, around point P a control volume is for-
mally installed, so that P is the center of this control volume. The boundary
surfaces of the control volumes are marked according to the respective neigh-
boring points, but in lower-case letters. Terms which generally would read
the same for all neighboring points, are stated with an index Nb to abbrevi-
ate the notation. Accordingly, terms for the boundary surface of the control
volume are given the index cf .
As the present considerations always start from the assumption that all
points W , S, E, N, T and B are grid points and that the grid points are
located exactly in the centers of neighboring control volumes, it is suffi-
cient to store only the coordinates of the control-volume boundary surfaces
Fig. 19.7 Cartesian grid and control volume with characteristic point