18.7 Turbulence Models 559
with respect to time and space variations of the flow, to carry out all the mea-
surements required for detailed turbulence modeling. The measuring methods
can be considered to be fully developed, so that the required measurements
can be carried out without serious application problems. Such measurements
contribute considerably to deepening the comprehension of the physics of tur-
bulence and make it possible to introduce additional information in the form
of new equations to yield numerical solution procedures for turbulent flows.
For measurements in wall boundary layers, hot wire and hot film anemome-
ters have been employed with great success for determining the mean velocity
and the fluctuation quantities u
(see Sect. 18.8). Flows of this kind
can be investigated reliably with hot wire anemometers because of their
characteristic properties. However, in the case of very thin boundary lay-
ers, inherent disturbances may occur which are caused by the introduced
measuring sensors. By special shaping of the employed measuring sensors,
these disturbances and the resulting measurement errors can be kept low.
Most measuring methods, requiring the introduction of measuring sensors
into flows, measure the flow velocity only indirectly, i.e. with most measuring
instruments physical quantities are recorded which are functions of the flow
velocity. Unfortunately, the measuring quantities are often also functions
of the properties of the state of the flow medium. The latter have to be
known and have to be adapted already when calibrating the measuring
method, in order to make the interpretation of the measured data possible
in terms of velocity. When fluctuations of the fluid properties occur during
the attempted velocity measurements, e.g. in two-phase flows, flows with
chemical reactions etc., they have to be known to be able to determine
reliably the required velocity values.
The above-mentioned difficulties in the employment of indirect measuring
techniques for flow velocities, such as hot wire and hot film anemometry,
have led to the development of the laser Doppler technique, which measures
flow velocities directly. By measuring the time which a particle needs to
flow through an interference pattern with a well-defined fringe distance, the
velocity of light-scattering particles can be determined. Such measurements
can be carried out locally and do not depend on the unknown thermodynamic
properties of the flow fluid. Measurements are possible in one- and two-phase
flows, and also in combustion systems and in the atmosphere. The measuring
technique can moreover be employed in particle-loaded flows, i.e. in media as
they often occur in practice. Its application requires, however, optical access
to the measuring point and transparency of the flow medium. In this respect
the employment of laser Doppler anemometry is limited, but its application
makes the determination of flow velocities possible in a large number of flows
that are not accessible to other measuring methods.
Due to considerable developments in applied mathematics over the last
few decades, new methods to solve numerically systems of partial differen-
tial equations, such as those describing fluid flows, have appeared. These