18.2 Statistical Description of Turbulent Flows 527
most important methods of statistical flow considerations are summarized
and explained briefly, in order to employ them subsequently in the treatment
of turbulent flows. More details are found in refs. [18.4] to [18.9].
18.2 Statistical Description of Turbulent Flows
As emphasized in Sect. 18.1, turbulent velocity fields are characterized by
strong irregularities of all their properties, e.g. strong changes of their ve-
locity and pressure in space and time. To register them, at all times and
at all locations, is not only a task which is difficult to solve and that
exceeds our present measuring and representation capacities of fluid me-
chanical processes, but moreover constitutes a task whose solution is not
worth striving for. The solution would result in such a large amount of
information that it could not be possible to process them further, or to
exploit them, in order to gain new insights into fluid mechanical pro-
cesses. The large amount of information which turbulent flows possess due
to their time and space behavior, therefore does not serve to deepen our
fluid mechanical knowledge, nor does it help to improve fluid-flow equip-
ment and/or its installation. As fluid-flow information is only useful to the
extent to which it can be mentally grasped and exploited further, it is nec-
essary to reduce appropriately the large amount of information available
in turbulent flow fields. In today’s turbulent flow research, this is done by
mainly limiting investigations to two types of questions relating to turbulent
• How do the local turbulent fluctuations of the velocity components and
pressure vary around the corresponding mean values? What correlations
exist between the fluctuating quantities, and what physical significance do
these correlations have?
• How are neighboring turbulent fluctuations of the velocity components
and pressure correlated with one another, and what physical significance
do these correlations have?
To be able to give answers to these questions, one uses in turbulence re-
search methods of statistics and nearly all the terminology related to it.
The distribution of the local turbulent flow fluctuations and the turbulent
pressure fluctuations are recorded by the probability density distribution
), or by their Fourier transforms, the so-called characteris-
tic function ϕ(k). In order to describe the existing correlation between
neighboring points in terms of space and/or time, one uses appropriate
correlation functions or their Fourier transforms. To describe the locally
occurring fluctuations in time, the auto-correlation function of the fluctu-
ations is used and its Fourier transforms, or their corresponding energy
spectrum. All these quantities (probability density distribution, character-
istic function, auto-correlation function, energy spectrum, etc.) result from