17.1 General Considerations 497
due to the viscosity of the fluid. As expressed by (17.4), the attenuation of
short-wave disturbances, i.e. disturbances with small λ values, turns out to
be stronger, so that these receive stronger damping in the course of time. It
is this attenuation effect, caused by the viscosity of a fluid, which ensures
that many laminar flows possess high stability. This means that they show
strong resistance against external disturbances.
As concerns the possible mechanisms of amplification of disturbances,
these can be manifold and some are discussed in an introductory way in sub-
sequent sections. Generally it can be said, however, that gradients of flow
and/or fluid properties can be stated as causes of amplification. When they
act on introduced disturbances such that an exponential excitation takes
place, the latter can be described as follows:
exp(αt). (17.5)
When a viscosity-dependent attenuation exists at the same time, the temporal
development of the amplitude of a disturbance can be stated in a simplified
way, and the following net result can be assumed to be valid:
exp [(α − β)t] . (17.6)
When the viscosity-dependent attenuation term β proves to be larger than
the amplification-caused term α, i.e. β>α, we have a stable laminar flow.
When, on the other hand, the amplification term α dominates, i.e. α>β,
we have an unstable flow. This means that the flow field determined from
the Navier–Stokes equations for given initial and boundary conditions will
not form in practice. Due to the above-postulated exponential increase of the
disturbance introduced into the flow, a transition into a turbulent flow is to
be expected. When the excitation takes place in another, non-exponential
form, other unstable flow states, as mentioned in the above points, can form.
To make clear now what is to be understood by a stable laminar flow state,
reference is made to the backward-facing, double-sided step flow, which is
illustrated in Fig. 17.1. It shows a symmetrical solution for Re ≤ 200. When
imposing temporal disturbances on these flows, the temporal change of the
separation lengths x
, shown in Fig. 17.1, indicates that, after abandoning
the imposed disturbances, the separation and reattachment lengths, that are
characteristic for the step flow, are attained again. The flow is thus, for the
investigated Reynolds number, stable towards the imposed disturbances. At
higher Reynolds numbers, i.e. for Re ≥ 200, this stability no longer exists.
The flow abandons its symmetry, and two separate regions of different lengths
and shapes occur.
For further explanations of the processes that take place with unstable
laminar flows, reference is made to the flow through a rectangular channel.
The latter is characterized by secondary flows as shown in Fig. 17.2. These
so-called secondary flows represent fluid motions in a plane vertical to the
main flow. Depending on the Reynolds number, a certain secondary flow
pattern develops as the so-called bifurcation diagram demonstrates, which