10.2 Potential and Complex Functions 281
On the basis of their definition, the stream and potential functions satisfy
the Cauchy–Rieman differential equations:
, (10.20)
= −
. (10.21)
These relationships provide the basis to deduce that a complex analytical
function F (z) (see Sect. 2.11.6) can be introduced in which Φ(x, y)represents
the real part and Ψ (x, y) the imaginary part of the function F(z). The latter
being refered to as the complex potential of the velocity field. This function
is usually written as:
F (z)=Φ(x, y)+iΨ(x, y), (10.22)
where x = x
and y = x
and z = x + iy indicates a point in the considered
complex number plane. Conversely, it can be said that for any analytical
function it holds that its real part represents automatically the potential of a
velocity field whose stream lines are described by the corresponding imaginary
part of the complex function F (z). As a consequence, it results that each real
part of an analytical function, and also the corresponding imaginary part
of F (z), separately fulfil the two-dimensional Laplace equation. Analytical
functions, as they are dealt with in functional theory, can thus be employed
for describing potential flows. When setting their real part (x, y)equalto
the potential function Φ(x, y) and the imaginary part Im(x, y) equal to the
stream function Ψ (x, y), it is possible to state these as the equipotential
and the stream lines. By proceeding in this way, solutions to flow problems
are obtained without partial differential equations having to be solved. The
inverse way of proceeding, which is sought in this chapter for the solution of
flow problems, namely interpreting a known solution of the potential equation
as a flow, is regarded as acceptable because of the evident advantages of
proceeding in this way for introducing students to the subject of potential
From a complex potential F (z), a complex velocity can be derived by
differentiation. As F (z) represents an analytical function, and therefore is
continuous and can be continiously differentiated. The differentiation has to
be independent of the direction in which it is carried out, as is shown in the
following. Since the smoothness of F (z) holds, we can derive:
= lim
= lim
(z + ∆z) − z
= lim
(x + ∆x)+i(y + ∆y) − (x + iy)