310 11 Wave Motions in Non-Viscous Fluids
Propagation direction of wave
Wave length
Longitudinal wave
Transversal wave
Propagation direction of wave
Wave len
Fig. 11.1 Instantaneous image of progressing longitudinal and transversal waves
wave propagates and not the fluid itself. This holds independently of whether
the wave motions in fluids are longitudinal or transversal waves.
Figure 11.1 shows the oscillation motion of fluid particles for both wave
modes. From the diagrams one can infer that the considered wave motions
are periodical, with regard to both space and time. Oscillations, on the other
hand, are periodical with respect to either time or space.
It can be seen from Fig. 11.1 that mechanical longitudinal waves, which are
characterized by compressions and dilatations i.e. by changes of the specific
volume or density of a fluid, can exist in all media having “volume elasticity”,
i.e. react with elastic counter forces to the occurring volume changes. Such
counter forces form in gases, and their volume changes are coupled to pressure
changes, so that for an ideal gas at T = constant, the following holds:
P dv = −v dP (11.1)
and therefore, due to compressibility, longitudinal waves can occur in isother-
mal gases, which are not possible in thermodynamically ideal liquids because
of ρ =1/v = constant.
Figure 11.1 also makes it clear that the formation of transversal waves is
dependent on the presence of “shear forces”, i.e. lateral forces must exist in
order to permit the wave motion of “particles” perpendicular to the direction
of propagation. Hence, these mechanical transversal waves only occur in solid
matter which can build up elastic transversal forces. This makes it clear that
in purely viscose fluids no transversal waves are possible. At first sight, this
statement seems to be a contradiction to observations of water waves whose
development and propagation can be observed easily when one throws an
object into a water container. A transversal wave develops which, however,
proves to be a wave motion restricting itself to a small height perpendicular
to the water surface. In the interior of the fluid, the wave motion cannot be
observed. Moreover, it can be seen that the observed wave on the surface
does not form due to “shear forces”, but that the presence of gravity or the
occurrence of surface tensions is responsible for the wave motion.