10.1 Potential and Stream Functions 277
inserts (10.3) into the two-dimensional continuity equation (5.18) for ρ =
constant then one obtains the Laplace equation for the velocity potential:
=0. (10.5)
For determining two-dimensional potential fields, it is sufficient to solve
(10.3) and (10.5), i.e. for determining the velocity field it is not necessary to
solve the Navier–Stokes equation, formulated in velocity terms. These equa-
tions, or the equation derived in Sect. 5.8.1, have to be employed, however,
for determining the pressure field.
The solution of the partial differential (10.5) for the velocity potential
requires at the boundary of the flow the boundary condition
=0, (10.6)
where n is the normal unit vector at each point of the flow boundary.
When the velocity potential Φ, or potential field Φ, has been obtained as
a solution of (10.5), the velocity components U
and U
can be determined
for each point of the flow field by partial differentiations, according to (10.3).
After that, the determination of the pressure via Euler’s equations, i.e. via the
momentum equations for viscosity-free fluids, can be computed. Determining
the pressure can also be done, however, via the integrated form of Euler’s
equations, which leads to the “non-stationary Bernoulli equation”.
The above treatments make it clear that the introduction of the irrotation-
ality of the flow field has led to considerable simplifications of the solution
ansatz for the basic equations for flow problems. The equations that have to
be solved for the flow field are linear and they can be solved decoupled from
the pressure field. The linearity of the equations to be solved is an essential
property as it permits the superposition of individual solutions of the equa-
tions in order to obtain also solutions of complex flow fields. This solution
principle will be used extensively in the following sections.
In the derivations of the above equations for two-dimensional potential
flows, the potential function was introduced in such a way that the irro-
tationality of the flow field was fulfilled by definition. The introduction of
the potential function Φ into the continuity equation then led to the two-
dimensional Laplace equation; only such functions Φ which fulfil this equation
can be regarded as solutions of the basic equations of irrotational flows.
Via a procedure similar to the above introduction of the potential function
Φ, it is possible to introduce a second important function for two-dimensional
flows of incompressible fluids, the so-called stream function Ψ . The latter is
defined in such a way that through the stream function the two-dimensional
continuity equation is automatically fulfilled, i.e.
and U
= −
. (10.7)