160 6 Hydrostatics and Aerostatics
This equation shows that for a friction-free sliding along the inclined plane,
the free surface lies parallel to the plane along which the container slides.
This can also be derived from considerations of the left-hand acceleration
diagram in Fig. 6.4, in which it can be seen that the resulting acceleration b
is located vertically with respect to the inclined plane.
When one adds for the downward motion the occurring frictional force,
one obtains the following set of basic hydrostatic equations:
= 0 (6.31a)
= −ρg(sin α − µ
cos α)cosα (6.31b)
= −ρg[1 − (sin α − µ
cos α)sinα] (6.31c)
Thus the solution corresponding to (6.31) reads:
P = C − ρg[(sin α − µ
cos α)cosα]x
− ρg[1 − (sin α − µ
cos α)sinα]x
If one puts on the one hand P = P
, for the free surface, one obtains the
equation for the plane in which the free surface lies. When one takes further
into consideration that the origin of the coordinates lies again on the free
surface, i.e. C = P
, one obtains as the final equation for the plane of the
free fluid surface
= −
(sin α − µ
cos α)cosα
1 − (sin α − µ
cos α)sinα
For this general case of motion with friction along the inclined plane of the
fluid container, shown in Fig. 6.4, a free liquid surface appears which is less
inclined with respect to the horizontal plane without surface friction. Atten-
tion has to be paid, however, to the fact that the derivations only hold when
≤ tan α.Forµ
≥ tan α one obtains the limiting case of a container at
rest, i.e. the frictional force is higher than the forward accelerating force.
As a last example to show the employment of hydrostatic laws in accel-
erated reference systems, the problem presented in Fig. 6.5 is considered. It
shows a rotating cylinder closed at the top and bottom, which is partly filled
with a liquid. When the cylinder is at rest, the free surface of this liquid as-
sumes a horizontal position, as the different liquid particles only experience
the gravitational force as mass force. When the cylinder is put into rotation,
one observes a deformation of the liquid surface which progresses until finally
it becomes parabolic, as shown in Fig. 6.5.
When now on this rotating motion an additional accelerated vertical mo-
tion is superimposed, one detects that the hyperboloid can assume different
shapes, depending on the magnitude of the vertical acceleration and on the
direction (upwards or downwards). In the following it will be shown that the