114 5 Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics
Total mass of
considered fluid
Fig. 5.1 Division of a fluid into fluid elements for mass conservation considerations
• Development of engines, catalyzers and exhaust systems
• Combustion and explosion processes, energy generation, environmental
• Sprays, atomizing and coating technologies
Concerning the formulation of the basic equations of fluid mechanics, it is easy
to formulate the conservation equations for mass, momentum, energy and
chemical species for a fluid element, see Fig. 5.1, i.e. to derive the “Lagrange
form” of the equations. In this way, the derivations can be represented in
an easily comprehensible way and it is possible to build up the derivations
upon the basic knowledge of physics. Derivations of the basic equations in
the “Lagrange form” are usually followed by transformation considerations
whose aim is to derive local formulations of the conservation equations and
to introduce field quantities into the mathematical representations, i.e. the
“Euler form” of the conservation equations is sought for solutions of fluid
flow problems. This requires one to express temporal changes of substantial
quantities as temporal changes of field quantities, which makes it necessary,
partly, to repeat in this section the considerations in Chap. 2 but to explain
them in a somewhat different and even deeper way.
The considerations to be carried in the sections below start out with the
assumption that, at a certain point in time t = 0, the mass of a fluid is
subdivided into fluid elements of the mass δm
, i.e.
M =
Each fluid element δm
is chosen to be large enough to make the assumption
= constant possible, with sufficient precision, in spite of the molecular
structure of the fluid. The assumption is also made to allow one to assign ar-
bitrary thermodynamic and fluid mechanics properties α
to a fluid element to yield α
= constant, with satisfactory precision for fluid
mechanics considerations.
The term α
,t), with x
= x
(t), expresses the fact that the ther-
modynamic or fluid mechanics property, which is assigned to the considered
fluid element, represents a substantial quantity that is only a function of time.
This property of the element changes with time at a fixed position in space,
but changes also due to the motion of the fluid element. For the description