74 3 Physical Basics
• Mass conservation law (continuity equation)
• Momentum conservation law (equation of momentum)
• Energy conservation law (energy equation)
• Conservation of chemical species
• State equations
These basic laws can now be applied to several “balance domains”. The size of
the balance space is not important in general and it can include infinitesimally
small balance domains (differential considerations) or finite volumes (integral
considerations). Furthermore, the balance domains can lie at a fixed location
in different coordinate systems and can undergo motions themselves (Euler
and Lagrangian approaches). In general, once selected, domains for balance
considerations are usually maintained for all quantities to be considered, i.e.
mass, momentum, energy, etc.; however, this is not necessary. Changes in
domains are admissible as long as they are known and thus can be included
in the balance considerations.
Generally, to derive the basic fluid flow equations in fluid mechanics, only
integral considerations are made, but balance considerations are made over
different domains of interest. In the case of differential considerations, one
finds balance considerations for moving fluid elements (Lagrangian approach)
or space fixed elements (Eulerian approach). The two ways of fluid flow de-
scription have to be clearly distinguished and balances should always be set
up separately for the Lagrangian and Eulerian balance spaces. Mixed bal-
ances leads to errors, in general. However, transformations of final equations
are possible. It is usual, for example, in fluid mechanics to transform the
balance relationships derived for a moving fluid element to space-fixed co-
ordinate systems and thus to obtain balance relations for constant volumes.
The connections between considerations for moving fluid elements and space-
fixed control volume in this book are presented and the equations required for
the transformation are derived. Particular attention is given to the physical
understanding of the principal connections, so that advantages and disad-
vantages of the different approaches become clear. The advantages of the
“Eulerian form” of the basic equations are brought out with respect to the
imposed boundary conditions for obtaining solutions to flow problems. On
the other hand, the Lagrangian considerations allow the transfer of often
known physical knowledge of mechanics of moving bodies to fluid mechanics
When stating the basic equations in Lagrange variables, the following
equations are valid for a fluid element:
• Mass conservation:
The derivation of these equations is presented in Chap. 5. They are stated here
beforehand to explain the basic physical knowledge that is taken from Physics.