3.5 Balance Considerations and Conservation Laws 73
3.5 Balance Considerations and Conservation Laws
Before we conduct detailed considerations on fluid mechanics processes, some
remarks need to be made on the acquisition of information in fluid mechan-
ics, especially on the knowledge gained in analytical fluid mechanics, which
is treated extensively in this book. Starting from conservation laws, analyt-
ical fluid mechanics employs deductive methods to solve various unsolved
problems, i.e. to gain knowledge on existing flow problems. For analytical
solutions, one makes use of derived relations that are based on balance con-
siderations, as known from other fields of natural and engineering science and
also from everyday observations. In many domains of daily life one acquires,
starting from intuitive knowledge on the existence of conservation laws, use-
ful information from balance considerations which one conducts over defined
fields, domains, periods, etc. The way in which the changes of considered
quantities of concern take place in detail is often not of interest. Rather, the
“initial and end states of the considered quantities” need to be known. The
changes within the considered domain are due to “inflows and outflows of the
considered quantity”. Relationships can be established between the changes
within the considered fields, domains and periods knowing the “inflows and
outflows”. Considerations of the financial circumstances of a person or an
institution are, for example, conducted by establishing balances of income
and expenditure to obtain information on the development of the financial
situation. Many more examples of this kind could be cited in order to make
clear the importance of balances for obtaining information in daily life.
In fluid mechanics, we find balances of quantities such as mass, momentum,
and energy in almost all fields of natural and engineering sciences. With these
balances, basic equations are set up with the aid of existing conservation laws
whose solution lead, in the presence of initial and boundary conditions, to the
desired information on quantities. In order to obtain definite information, the
balance considerations have to be based not only on valid conservation laws
(mass conservation, energy conservation, momentum conservation, etc.) but
also on definite specified domains. The field or the domain for which balances
are formulated has to be defined precisely to guarantee the unambiguity of
the derived basic laws. A relationship that was derived by considerations over
a certain domain are, in general, not applicable when domain modifications
have taken place and these are not included in the relationship.
Fluid mechanics is a subject based on the basic laws of mechanics and
thermodynamics and, moreover, uses state equations in the derivations in
order to establish relationships between thermodynamic state changes of a
fluid. These state properties vary in the course of time or in space. However,
the changes of state take place in accordance with the corresponding state
equations while still observing the conservation laws. For the derivation of
the basic equations of fluid mechanics, the basic laws of physics are: