50 3 Physical Basics
When shear stresses occur in a medium at rest, this medium is assigned to
solids. The viscous (or the molecular) transport of momentum observed in
a fluid, should not be mistaken to be similar to the elastic forces in solids.
The viscous forces cannot even be analogously addressed as elastic force.
This is the case for all liquids and gases as the two important subgroups of
fluids which take part in the fluid motions considered in the book. Hence
the present book is dedicated to the treatment of fluid flows of liquids and
gases. On the basis of these explanations of fluid flows, the fluids in motion
can simply be seen as media free from stresses and are therefore distinguished
from solids. The “shear stresses” that are often introduced when treating fluid
flows of common liquids and gases represent molecule-dependent momentum-
transport terms in reality.
Neighboring layers of a flowing fluid, having a velocity gradient between
them, do not interact with each another through “shear stresses” but through
an exchange of momentum due to the molecular motion between the layers.
This can be explained by simplified derivations aiming for a clear physical
understanding of the molecular processes, as stated in the following section.
The derivations presented below are carried out for an ideal gas, since they
can be understood particularly well for this case of fluid motion. The results
from these derivations therefore cannot be transferred in all aspects to fluids
with more complex properties.
For further subdivision of fluids, it is recommended to make use of their
response to normal stresses (or pressure) acting on fluid elements. When a
fluid element reacts to pressure changes by adjusting its volume and con-
sequently its density, the fluid is called compressible. When no volume or
density changes occur with pressure or temperature, the fluid is regarded as
incompressible although, strictly, incompressible fluids do not exist. However,
such a subdivision is reasonable and moreover useful and this will be shown
in the following derivations of the basic fluid mechanics equations. Indeed,
this subdivision mainly distinguishes liquids from gases.
In general, as said above, fluids can be subdivided into liquids and
gases. Liquids and some plastic materials show very small expansion co-
efficients (typical values for isobaric expansion are β
=10× 10
whereas gases have much larger expansion coefficients (typical values are
= 1,000 × 10
). A comparison of the two subgroups of fluids shows
that liquids fulfill the condition of incompressibility with a precision that is
adequate for the treatment of most flow problems. Based on the assumption
of incompressibility, the basic equations of fluid mechanics can be simpli-
fied, as the following derivations show; in particular, the number of equations
needed for the general description of fluid flow processes is reduced from 6
to 4. This simplification of the basic equations for incompressible fluid flows
allows a considerable reduction in the complexity of the requested theoretical
treatments for simple and complex geometries, e.g. in the case of problems
without heat transfer the energy equation does not have to be solved.