Duracell established an internal Green Team to work alongside design and con-
struction professionals to establish and meet environmental goals. Thus, client
involvement positively impacted the sustainability of the site design, natural plant-
ing and landscaping, habitat and wildlife, stormwater runoff, architectural design,
construction-waste management, building materials, energy conservation, water
conservation, preparation for move-in, waste management, and employee safety.
Lessons Learned by the Architects
We would take advantage of the wider range of readily available and less-
expensive sustainable building materials.
We learned of the importance of the earliest possible involvement of engi-
neers and subconsultants, green-design charrettes at every phase of design,
and the development of a green budget to account for energy savings.
Our firm has consistently worked to apply sustainable principles to the design
process, and therefore we have not modified our professional practices as
much as we have supplemented them by sponsoring the continuing educa-
tion of our staff, utilizing design tools, and if necessary supplementing our
project teams with expert consultants in the field of ecology and green
We use a number of design tools that enable us to achieve sustainable-design
objectives. Computer software allows us to make informed choices by evalu-
ating the relative environmental merits of comparable materials. We keep
current on developments in sustainable-design practices by using the latest
versions of these software packages and maintaining subscriptions to period-
icals specializing in the field. In particular, the Women’s Network for a Sus-
tainable Future helps us to learn about cutting-edge technologies and
materials and how to communicate with our clients more effectively, gaining
their support and endorsement for green endeavors.
We work with engineers and contractors who understand and share our
sustainable-design principles. We hold a green workshop with all disciplines
on the design team, including client representatives, to ensure that each
entity understands these objectives and to brainstorm ways to improve the
We specify construction-waste management procedures, material reclama-
tion and recycling, materials, mechanical equipment, finishes, and lighting
that do not need to produce waste in production.
We use LEED and GreenGlobe as guidelines for environmental performance,
and often we design for LEED certification. The decision to pursue LEED
certification is still, ultimately, client driven. A rapidly increasing number of
prospective clients require identification of LEED-accredited staff and firm
experience with LEED certification.