Steinhude Sea Recreation Facility.
The theme for EXPO 2000, “Man,
Nature, Environment,” led to the goal of
an artistically intriguing structure that
was fully self-sustaining with minimal
impact on the surrounding ecosystem.
This small recreation facility is located
on an island at the south shore of the
Steinhude Sea. The island ecosystem
consists of a beach area, green fi elds,
nature walk, children’s play area,
and a bird sanctuary. The new 3,057-
square-foot facility accommodates,
with minimal ecological impact, a café,
lifeguard facilities, boathouse, storage,
public toilets and showers, and an
exhibition area and observation deck.
Prefabrication of the building in
a nearby factory resulted in waste
minimization and ecosystem protection.
Copyright 2000 Peter Hubbe.
20 River Terrace. The
Solaire is a 27-story,
glass-and-brick residen-
tial tower in Battery Park
City, Manhattan, directly
adjacent to the site of the
former World Trade Center.
The design meets both
the recently enacted New
York State Green Building
Tax Credit and Gold
LEED Certifi cation. The
357,000-square-foot, 293-
unit building is estimated
to require 35 percent less
energy than conventional
code-complying design;
reduce peak demand for
electricity by 65 percent;
and require 50 percent less
potable water.
Jeff Goldberg/ESTO.