was oriented askew with the front of the house. This wall was the same shape as the
16-foot-long, 7-foot-high window system. After the storm, the front of the house
was covered with leaves and debris three inches thick. The window system, which
corresponded to the wind shadow created by the courtyard wall, was without even
the slightest debris. A negative pressure, created by the wall, mitigated the wind
Using wind as an informer of form is largely overlooked during the creative
process due to the scant and difficult-to-absorb scientific nature of the data. It is
especially difficult for designers to effectively interpret and apply the data that do
exist. A low-rise coastal architectural form typically does not relate to wind force
at all. Structures are often sited perpendicular to prevailing wind forces; this is dia-
metrically opposed to what the orientation would be if wind force were to be mit-
igated (at 45 degrees). The rule has been to increase the structural sizing to
withstand the force, rather than understanding the force as a design parameter
and partner. Adding structural size is not cost-effective and, in many cases, due to
the extreme forces of tornado-force winds, is not effective at all. After Hurricane
Andrew, a 16-foot-long section of 8" ⫻ 14" concrete tie beams was found several
blocks from its original location. The same was true after Hurricane Katrina, which
scraped entire communities down to their footings and even to bedrock.
Consideration must be given to the creative use of form to mitigate storm
energy, but location on the coastal “hot spot” makes it not just difficult but almost
impossible. Designing wind mitigation is effective, but only if the development loca-
tion is out of the main force of the wind; the lesson here is to build in smart places.
Strong winds have deconstructive impacts, but they also have potentially important
positive impacts on energy consumption—the forms and patterns can be designed
to provide for passive ventilation and cooling (Olgyay, 1992).
Existing studies of wind energy can be reduced to the simple principles of sur-
face-to-volume ratios and frictional surface qualities. The conditions, however,
become more complex with the unpredictable behavior within a hurricane system
(for example, in one instant a wall surface can receive the wind vector perpendicu-
lar to its surface as a positive pressure and reverse to a negative pressure as the storm
moves). Working with these forces would suggest that the structural form should
relate to the forces, not just withstand them. Examples in nature were all around
after these hurricanes—even palm trees on the beaches remained. But there were
other examples: an AirStream trailer in the middle of debris from everything else that
had been destroyed; housing protected by certain types of vegetation; and single-
family houses on interior lot sites where the corner structures were destroyed, yet
they remained relatively unscathed. There is logic to the siting of architecture, and
researching, understanding, and applying that knowledge to the design will have
measurable positive results.
There are many examples of design responding to considerable force. Tents can
be designed to withstand 200-mile-per-hour winds. Can architecture? The spoiler
on a race car helps keep the car from being airborne at speeds up to 600-plus miles
per hour—this thinking can be applied to the design of a spoiler on a roof parapet,