The Barn at Fallingwater.
This is an adaptive reuse of
a nineteenth-century heavy-
timber bank barn and its
twentieth-century addition,
framed in dimension lumber.
Salvaged fi r, new sunfl ower-
seed composite panels, and
sound-absorptive straw panels
complement the palette of
original materials while
underscoring the structure’s
connection to farming. A
zero-discharge wastewater-
reclamation system, gray-water
fl ushing, and low-fl ow fi xtures
reduce potable water use.
Copyright Nic Lehoux Photography.
Evergreen State College Seminar II. A central open volume allows daylighting,
natural stack ventilation, and visual connections between the academic programs.
To safeguard the site’s forest ecology, the building is fi ngered into the landscape.
Planting features a mix of native species organized according to their natural setting
and replaces the forest disturbed by construction. To reduce the impact of the project
on Thornton Creek and its native salmon, a 20,443-square-foot vegetated roof was
Photo by Lara Swimmer.